Chapter 18

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"I'm sick and tired of waiting around," Tsunade growled, slamming her fist down on the table. "Whenever we get close enough, they pull away. When it appears like we're winning they come up with something else and it kills too many of our own!"

The room fell silent, as no one knew what to say because she was right. And things weren't getting better. The water supply was running low and food... they were down to one meal a day, two for those with low chakra from battle. Still, it's wasn't enough as the weeks began to pass. The leaders were growing worried and somehow had managed to keep the peace between their ranks and no fights had broken out nor rebellion on their cause. They were lucky... for now.

Gaara's gaze wandered towards Azmaria, who stood by the Raikage's side. Her cheekbones were becoming more prominent, form leaner despite the fact that she had muscles. Even her ribs were slowly becoming more visible. But so were his own, and for his siblings, even the Kages. Yet hers were appearing at a more rapid rate. If Gaara had to guess she wasn't eating her daily portions. She had to be giving them to patients at the hospital. The ex-Soldier had been there a lot when not on duty to help Tamahome and Sakura. He could feel the bones too whenever his fingers moved across the young woman's body in the privacy of his room. And the Kazekage was sure she could start to feel the same when it came to him.

"Then what would you have us do?" the Raikage asked.

The young man pulled his attention back on the leader of Konoha. "They've been attacking our supply routes in a desperate attempt to corner us behind these walls. And unfortunately, it's starting to work. If we don't stop them now, it is only a matter of time before this Village falls and they move on to the next one. If that happens here... it's all over."

A heavy sigh escaped her lips, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I want the Futon Squad on the top of the wall. The next time they attack I want the wind to knock them off their asses."

"We can also establish a front line of those who can use Rock Jutsus," the Raikage stated. "Something to hold back the Iwa Ninja. And then those with unique clan jutsus so no one can counter them."

"We've tried that already," Kankuro stated.

"And we had better luck with that then the other formations we've used. We just have to hit them harder."

"And if they retreat into the desert?" Gaara asked. "What then? They are over the dunes and while I can sense if there is an ambush lying in wait, it's still a blind spot we don't want to encounter."

"We've never tested the theory," Tsunade said.

"Because no one wants to run in blind."

"Then let's be honest with ourselves," Temari spoke up, "no one will willingly volunteer to go beyond it."

Gaara's grip on the arm of the chair tightened, half expecting the ex-Soldier to speak up and take the dangerous job. To his surprise she remained silent in thought.

"Let's go with what we suggested now," the Hokage said. "If the enemy does attack. They've been far too quiet for our liking."

The conference room emptied minutes later as they went their separate ways, and receiving their rations for the day.

"This is turning into some fine war," Sanchi chuckled humorlessly. "Even Tamahome couldn't come because Sakura and him are swamped in medical."

How true that was. Their halls of the hospital were now filled with beds since the rooms had run out. They were spread thin, the nurses and doctors, and most times others from the field would find themselves making their way towards the building to lend a helping hand.

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