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                The sparkling water lapped at the shore, reflecting the mass of stars that shone brightly in the night sky. Six cats padded towards it, appearing from the direction of the moor and the forest, only dark silhouettes in the darkness.        

                Each of them crouched at the water’s edge and drank a small mouthful of the starry water before settling down on the hard ground and drifting into the world of dreams.

                A brown she-cat woke up in a field. A vast expanse of trees stretched out in the distance, and the rushing of a stream was audible. The golden sun shone dazzlingly in the cloudless blue sky, warming the she-cat’s pelt.

                A black tom whose pelt was filled with stars trotted up to the she-cat. “Greetings, Blacknose,” the she-cat meowed.

                “And to you, Honeywhisker,” Blacknose replied, dipping his head.

                “What message do you bring?” Honeywhisker asked. “What does StarClan wish to tell me?”

                The tom’s cheerful expression faded. “Great trouble is coming to your Clan,” he meowed solemnly. “The flame of mischief will rise and attempt to defeat the dark splash of murder and betrayal.”    

                Every hair on Honeywhisker’s pelt stood on end. “What does it mean?” Honeywhisker asked. “What destruction has been prophesied in the stars?”

                But the starry tom was already fading. Honeywhisker awoke at the pool of starlight, as the sun began to crawl over the horizon and into the pink-orange sky of dawn.

                The six cats rose silently to their paws and padded away, soon looking smaller than ants, and faded into the distance.


                An exhausted black-furred queen lay in the nursery with three tiny mewling kits by her side. The she-cat stared at them with deep affection in her eyes, a purr rising in her throat. Suddenly, she lifted her head as she heard a rustling sound. A tom with ginger fur and sky blue eyes had entered the nursery. “Flamefoot, I assume you’re here because you want to see your kits. Our kits,” the she-cat purred.

                Flamefoot nodded. “They’re beautiful,” he whispered. “Just like you.”

                The she-cat laughed slightly. “What are their names?” Flamefoot inquired.

                The she-cat pointed with her tail at a bluish-gray tom. “His name is Streamkit,” she meowed softly.

                The she-cat nodded towards a golden she-cat. “Her name is Morningkit,” the queen continued.

                Lastly, she pointed towards a gray she-cat. “Her name is Crazykit,” she concluded.

                Flamefoot gave his mate a strange look. “Crazykit?” he asked curiously. “Why would you name her Crazykit, Swiftstorm?”

                Swiftstorm began to purr again. “Something tells me,” she replied. “That when this little cat has opened her eyes, she’ll be into all sorts of trouble.”

                “Completely unlike you when you were a kit,” Flamefoot teased her, letting a sarcastic tone enter his voice.

                “Flamefoot!” a voice called from outside the nursery.”You are needed on the dawn patrol!”

                The orange tom sighed. “Coming, Leafstorm!” he responded reluctantly.

                Glancing one last time at his kits, Flamefoot turned around and padded out of the nursery.

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