Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

                It was a new day, and Crazykit was determined to find thorns to put in the nest of Thornwhisker, the annoying tom she despised.

                But all of her plans were quickly forgotten as her mother, Swiftstorm, swept a bushy tail around her as she was about to leave the nursery and pulled her gently back into the nursery. Swiftstorm began to give her fur brisk licks, but Crazykit managed to wriggle away. “What are you doing?” Crazykit demanded. “I want to go outside!”

                “It’s raining,” her mother replied calmly.

                Swiftstorm reached out with her mouth and tried to grab Crazykit by the scruff, but Crazykit ducked away. I don’t care if I get wet! I want to explore!

                “I don’t care if I get wet!” Crazykit meowed, trying to persuade her mother into letting her leave.

                “It’s muddy out there! You’ll get mud all over you paws!” Swiftstorm responded.

                “I don’t care!” Crazykit yowled. “I’m going to explore and you can’t stop me!”

                With those words, she dashed out of the nursery.

                The ground seemed to cling to her paws, and it felt like wet soil except that it was sticky.

                Rain poured from the sky, striking her fur, but Crazykit ignored the uncomfortable wetness. A murky puddle lay on the ground nearby. Crazykit leaned over and peered into the puddle. Reflected in the gray water, was a light gray, almost silver, she-cat with green eyes. That’s what I look like!

                Crazykit surveyed the camp once more, determined to learn everything about the camp that she could, so that maybe, when Cloudstar saw how eager she was to learn and train, he would make her an apprentice early!

                Suddenly, something caught her eye. A small entrance to a cave in the camp wall that Crazykit hadn’t noticed before because it was so well hidden by brambles, made her feel curious. Maybe I’ve discovered a secret cave that no cat knows about! Cloudstar might make me an apprentice now when I tell him what I found!

                Crazykit looked around, making sure no cat was watching her. She didn’t want anyone else to take credit for finding the cave! Once she was certain that she wasn’t being watched, she crept forward and entered the mysterious cave.

                Crazykit blinked, taking a moment to grow accustomed to the darkness. Berries and herbs laid on the ground in a neat arrangement; these supplies would be perfect for their medicine cat, Honeywhisker!

                Excitedly, Crazykit began to move the berries and herbs towards the entrance. It took a long time, but finally, all of them lay in a messy stack by the entrance. How will I get all of them out into the camp to show Honeywhisker? I guess I’ll just bring Honeywhisker over here, and she can figure out how to move them.

                But what if she takes credit for finding the cave? But wait, she wouldn’t because she’s a medicine cat and she has a special connection to StarClan.

                Crazykit poked her head out of the entrance, once more making sure no one was watching, before re-entering the camp.

                Where’s Honeywhisker? Crazykit looked around the camp, green eyes searching for the ThunderClan medicine cat. Suddenly, a brown she-cat stepped into the camp with herbs in her jaws. There she is!

                “Honeywhisker! Honeywhisker!” Crazykit shouted excitedly.

                “What is it, Crazykit?” the medicine meowed through a mouthful of herbs.

                “Come see what I found!” Crazykit replied, dashing off towards the cave.

                Honeywhisker followed her, still carrying the herbs. Crazykit skidded to a halt by the entrance to the cave, sending up a cloud of dust.

                When the dust cleared, and all was visible again, Crazykit pointed with her left forepaw towards the untidy pile of herbs that she had transported there for Honeywhisker. Crazykit turned around to face Honeywhisker. The medicine cat dropped her herbs and stared in shock.

                I think she’s impressed by what I’ve found!

                The medicine cat opened her mouth to speak, and Crazykit waited eagerly for the praise that was certain to come. But, to her surprise, the medicine cat shrieked in horror, “My supplies!”

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