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                Everyone seemed to have forgotten Stonestream used to be a member of WindClan.

                He’d always volunteered for almost every patrol and he was kind to every cat. So nobody cared that Stonestream was the father of her kits anymore.

                Crazystar had announced the news a little over a moon ago, only about two moons after Splashheart’s attack. She couldn’t leave the nursery until they were about three moons old, once they could eat fresh-kill, so Liontail was temporarily performing the leader’s duties with Cloudheart taking over his responsibilities as deputy.

                They’d had two beautiful kits. Stonestream had chosen the name of a tom with golden fur and black stripes. It was such a wonderful name. Blazekit suited the young kit perfectly.

                The other was a flame-colored tom with amber eyes, eyes that were so different from Splashheart’s. And after the color of his fur, Crazystar had decided on the name Flamekit.

                She was just stepping out of the nursery for a few quick moments of freedom. Her kits had just opened their eyes that morning, and were exhausted from exploring the camp.

                The forest looked so inviting, the wind rustling the multicolored leaves of leaf-fall.

                And in the breeze, she heard Thunder’s voice whisper, “The dark splash will return, and the force he leads will rise once more in a final attempt to defeat the Clans around the lake and StarClan itself.”

                Crazystar’s eyes widened. She knew what it meant. She’d heard about the Great Battle, but she’d never thought she’d have to live it….

                The Dark Forest was rising, and Splashheart would be leading them.

A/N: Sorry it's so short, but I didn't want to go on and on about the kits and the Dark Forest.... :) Hope you enjoyed this book! I'll post the allegiances, the author's note, the description, and the book cover to book 2 within the next 30 minutes to an hour, probably less than an hour though.

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