Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

                It was the day after Crazykit’s battle with Mousepaw, and Crazykit was playing a game of moss-ball with Streamkit. Suddenly she heard a loud shriek from the forest; it was the unmistakable yowl of a cat in pain.

                Streamkit shuddered and dashed away into the nursery. Leafstorm rushed out of the warriors den and into the camp. “What happened?” the ThunderClan deputy asked.

                “We don’t know,” Splashheart, a white tom with patches of gray fur, replied. “We just heard a screech from the distance.”

                “Okay,” Leafstorm meowed. “Splashheart, you, Flowerpetal, Flamefoot, and I will go see what it is. The rest of you, stay and guard the camp from any potential threat.”

                The four cats darted out of camp and into the forest.

                Crazykit waited for a few long moments, looked around the camp to make sure no cat would notice her disappearance, and slipped out of the entrance.

                Crazykit put her nose close to the ground and followed the four cats’ scent trails. She ran all the way to where the scent trail ended, near a large oak tree, and ducked into a bush, hidden by thick branches.

                “What happened?” Leafstorm, who had just arrived a few moments before Crazykit, asked to Hawkwhisker who was standing at the base of the tree staring at something on the ground.

                Hawkwhisker turned to face Leafstorm, allowing Crazykit to see what he was looking at. On the ground lay a pale brown cat, unmoving and scarcely breathing, one foreleg twisted at an awkward angle. Mousepaw!

                “We were hunting,” Hawkwhisker meowed, voice trembling. “She climbed the Sky Oak, trying to catch a squirrel. Suddenly, she cried for help and plummeted out of the tree. She tried to land on her feet, but she landed hard on her right forepaw. And….you can see what happened next.”

                Leafstorm nodded quickly and turned to his patrol. “Splashheart,” the golden warrior ordered. “Help me carry Mousepaw back to camp. The rest of you, return to camp ahead of us and tell Honeywhisker what happened.”

                Not wanting to be caught missing from camp, Crazykit emerged silently from the bush and ran all the way back to camp. Once she was back in the stone hollow, her lungs screamed and her sides ached, but fortunately, no cat seemed to have noticed that she was missing.

                Only a few moments later, Flowerpetal and Flamefoot burst through the camp entrance. They both turned and trotted into Honeywhisker’s den.

                A little while later, Splashheart, Hawkwhisker, and Leafstorm returned to the camp carrying Mousepaw. “My kit, my kit!” Bluestorm, a young silver she-cat, shrieked.

                Bluestorm rushed up to the injured apprentice and covered her fur with desperate licks. Cloudstar, who had left his den and climbed down from the Highledge to see what the commotion was about, gently pushed Bluestorm away from her kit with his nose.  “Let them take Mousepaw to Honeywhisker,” the Clan leader whispered. “She needs the care of a medicine cat.”

                Bluestorm nodded, but followed the warriors to the medicine cat den as they carried Mousepaw in. Crazykit followed close behind.

                Honeywhisker already held large vines in her mouth. The medicine cat carefully inspected the apprentice. Finally, the brown she-cat looked up. “I think Mousepaw will be fine if we can fix her leg,” Honeywhisker meowed. “It’s broken and bent the wrong way, but I think that I can get it back in the right place. It’ll mean that she won’t be able to train for about 3 moons, and she’ll probably lose some of her skills. She also probably won't be able to run the same as she used to, but her leg will be well enough to fight. Fortunately, she doesn’t seem to have any other apparent injuries.”

                Bluestorm breathed a sigh of relief. Crazykit simply watched in silence. Maybe StarClan is punishing Mousepaw for taunting the kits.

                Honeywhisker placed a vine around the apprentice’s leg and pulled sideways and backwards. Mousepaw kicked in her sleep out of pain, but the leg looked straight now. Honeywhisker wrapped one end of the long vine around Mousepaw’s leg and pushed a rock onto the other end. Honeywhisker forced three poppy seeds into the she-cat’s mouth.

                Knowing that Mousepaw would be okay, Crazykit turned around and padded back towards the nursery. Hard as she tried, she couldn’t suppress the strange feeling of guilty happiness. I think she got what she deserved!

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