Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

                Crazypaw opened her eyes. For a moment, she forgot where she was. Then, she saw Leafwhisker in the corner of the den, sorting herbs, and she remembered. Yesterday. RiverClan. The medicine cat den.

                Crazypaw managed to rise to her feet. She walked unsteadily over to Stonepaw and anxiously poked him in the side. He groaned loudly, and his eyes fluttered open weakly.”Crazypaw, what are you…no, did we die? Are we in StarClan?” he asked.

                “No, we lived,” she responded. “We’re in the RiverClan medicine cat den.”

                Stonepaw coughed. “RiverClan? Why?” he inquired.

                “Because you accidentally swam to our side of the lake,” Leafwhisker interjected.

                Stonepaw tried to stand, but he could barely even lift his head. Leafwhisker walked briskly over to him. “Eat these juniper berries,” he instructed, pushing two towards Stonepaw and two towards Crazypaw.

                “Aren’t juniper berries for bellyaches?” Crazypaw asked curiously.

                The RiverClan medicine cat nodded. “But they’re also good for regaining strength,” he replied. “Oh, and here’s some food. I suppose you’re probably hungry.”

                He tossed a slimy silver fish onto the ground in front of her. It looked so unappetizing, but she was hungry. She forced down a few mouthfuls before pushing the rest to Stonepaw. “I’m done.”


                Time passed slowly. The sun gradually inched down towards the horizon. She occupied herself by informing Stonepaw of the events that had brought them through the lake, onto the shore, and then into the RiverClan camp. She only left out the part about Bright Stream’s assistance and Thunder’s evil planning.

                Stonepaw eventually drifted off into sleep. Crazypaw tried to do the same, but her mind was still wandering. She rose to her paws and crept slowly out of the den. Neither Leafwhisker nor Stonepaw stirred.

                As soon as she stepped out of the den into the cold night air, a friendly voice exclaimed, “Hi!”

                Crazypaw looked around. “Shh,” she hissed to Salmonpaw. “Keep your voice down! I’m not supposed to be out here.”

                “Oh,” the RiverClan apprentice whispered. “Sorry. I know Troutstar confined you to that dumb medicine cat den. I think that’s so unfair! I’d be bored out of my mind stuck in there all day! I thought I’d show you a place where you can hide that no cat will find you.”

                Salmonpaw dashed off and beckoned with her tail for Crazypaw to follow. She sighed, knowing she had no choice.

                Salmonpaw pushed her way through a rosebush. In the space behind it, the entrance a small hole that seemed just large enough to fit an apprentice like Crazypaw or Salmonpaw or Stonepaw was filled in with large pebbles. The RiverClan apprentice knocked them down with her paw, scooped them all out of the way, and then squeezed inside.

                Crazypaw just barely fit inside. It was dark and sloped downward, reminding her of the tunnel that had led down to the cave where the tunnel-battle had occurred.

                Eventually, a distant light filled the passageway. In front of Crazypaw was a shimmering blue substance that seemed a lot like water.

                “Is that the stream?” she asked. “If it is, how doesn’t this tunnel flood?”

                Salmonpaw nodded. “It doesn’t flood because the Twolegs built a tunnel out of some see-through material,” she answered. “I don’t know why. Maybe they like sitting here underneath the water and staring at the water too. But I thought you might want to know about this place. It’s private and no one else knows about it. And it’s too far under for anyone to accidentally touch it with their paws while they’re swimming across.”

                “Thanks, Salmonpaw,” Crazypaw meowed, wondering why the RiverClan apprentice had chosen to share this place with her instead of telling Troutstar. “How did you find this place?”

                “Well, I guess not exactly nobody else knows about, but only one cat though. My older brother, Ripplecloud, showed me it!” she exclaimed. “Said I was the only cat besides him to know about it!”

                Crazypaw watched in alarm as Salmonpaw stepped out onto what looked like nothing but water. Instead of falling out of the tunnel, she continued walking seemingly in the middle of a river. “C’mon!” Salmonpaw called. “You can see more of the stream from here!”

                Crazypaw walked over reluctantly. Upon closer inspection, there was a transparent Twoleg material supporting Salmonpaw’s weight.

                “Look up!” the RiverClan apprentice instructed.

                Crazypaw obeyed. Above them, the moon glow’s pierced the water’s surface, brightening the space below. Small waves rippled through the water, and its beautiful blue color obstructed the view of the landscape above.

                This place would be perfect for me and Stonepaw to talk…alone, without Leafwhisker eavesdropping.

                The two of them sat there for a while, simply staring at the water above and observing nature’s beauty. Small fish swam by, close enough that Crazypaw could see their scales and the moonlight reflecting off of them. Time passed by so much quicker than it had in the den.

                “I think it’s dawn!” Salmonpaw shouted eventually.

                They both rose to their paws and said good-bye before heading up to exit the secret tunnel. Crazypaw padded soundlessly into the medicine cat den and fell asleep.

A/N: No updates for a couple days! :( From tomorrow to early Friday morning I'll be on vacation, so I had to update before I left! Thanks for reading and please comment and tell me what you guys think! May StarClan light your path! :D

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