Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

                The patrol returned and almost instantaneously, their Clanmates were besides them, sniffing their blood-stained fur and asking questions. They stopped though when Cloudstar descended from his den on the Highledge. “What happened?” the ThunderClan leader demanded.

                “WindClan wouldn’t let us train in the cave,” Liontail began.

                “And you fought with them?” Cloudstar snarled, fur bristling with anger. “You should’ve left them alone if they were there first. We could’ve gone back and trained another time! Don’t tell me I have to apologize to Rabbitstar because of you, Liontail!”

                “Of course not!” Liontail replied, looking insulted. “I told Smokewhisker, who was leading the training, that WindClan could keep the cave. I simply asked to pass through the cave and train in the narrow tunnel on the opposite end. That stupid furball wouldn’t let us pass through! I decided we had to teach that arrogant mange-pelt a lesson!”

                “And? Did you win?” Cloudstar asked.

                “We did,” Liontail responded.

                “That’s very well, but I’ll have to tell Leafstorm to increase patrols along the WindClan border,” the white tom meowed before turning away as if he was about to leave. “Hostility will be high between our Clans because of this.”

                “Wait!” Liontail called, causing the ThunderClan leader to turn around. “Make sure you definitely increase patrols along that border!”

                Cloudstar spun back around and raised an eyebrow questioningly. “Why?” the ThunderClan leader asked cautiously.

                “Before he left,” Liontail answered, taking a deep breath. “Smokewhisker said, ‘This isn’t over, ThunderClan fools. I’d watch your borders carefully if I were you.’”

                “A threat, no doubt,” Cloudstar growled. “What is Rabbitstar plotting now?”

                The ThunderClan leader didn’t speak for a moment. “I’ll lead a patrol to the WindClan camp tomorrow morning,” Cloudstar meowed finally. “We should at least try to settle this in a peaceful manner. I’ll take….Leafstorm, Liontail, Splashheart, Cloudheart, Morningpaw, and Crazypaw.”

                “Crazypaw?” Blackwing asked incredulously. “Morningpaw? They’re both apprentices! You’re not letting any of us younger warriors go and-”

                “I’m aware of that, Blackwing,” Cloudstar replied. “It’ll be good experience for them to see the other Clans’ territories. And as for you, if you wish to be included patrols such as these, it’ll be necessary for you to learn to control your mouth.”

                Blackwing stiffened, eyes blazing with anger, but padded away without saying any more. The ThunderClan leader turned and scrambled up the Highledge to his den, sending showers of pebbles down onto the camp below.

                Suddenly, a wave of tiredness swept over Crazypaw. She turned, staggering exhaustedly towards the apprentices den, and curling up in her nest.

                She closed her eyes and was quickly carried away into dreams.


                A brown tom with a battle-scarred white muzzle stood in front of her, studying her intensely with sparkling amber eyes. Crazypaw did not recognize him, but she did recognize the faint scent of ThunderClan. “Crazypaw,” the tom meowed, dipping his head to the young apprentice.

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