Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Cold anger threatened to overwhelm her as she forced her way through Splashheart's army to Splashheart himself. He was surrounded by "SplashClan" rogues and fighting the few cats that'd made it through them. Flamefoot launched himself at the gray-and-white tom, but Splashheart knocked him away with one swat of a massive paw. Cloudheart already was on the ground, unconscious. Brightleaf had probably been sent flying into one of the bramble bushes guarding the camp entrance, and was still trying to pull herself free.

The only warrior who hadn't yet been defeated was Morningblaze. Crazystar's sister kept darting in and out, avoiding Splashheart's blows. "Can't defeat me, dumb apprentice," he grumbled.

"I know your moves better than any cat. Plus I'm a warrior," she responded, as she faked to the left, then rushed off in the opposite direction.

She leapt sideways to the left, dodging a strike aimed at her neck. She raked her claws across his nose and then spun once before springing backwards.

Splashheart charged. Morningblaze waited until he was a tail-length away, before moving slightly to the right and grabbing his right ear. He screeched in pain and swung his left forepaw at her. The young warrior didn't dodge in time and was sent flying right out of the camp entrance.

Splashheart laughed. "Who's next?" he snarled.

Crazystar stepped forward. "How about me?" she replied, padding leisurely towards him.

"Nine lives won't save you," he meowed, unsheathing his claws once more. "One wound is enough to take them all."

She extended her claws as well. "Problem is, you won't get that chance," she sighed.

As he charged, Crazystar rose up on to her hindpaws, balancing perfectly. Suddenly, she was taller than Splashheart. She swung a forepaw down towards his head, but he dodged easily. She dropped back down to four paws.

Crazystar ran forwards, leaping to the left and then to the right as she moved. The ThunderClan leader hoped this confused him.

She lunged forward. He stepped to the side and right before she struck there, he hopped backwards. "This is easier than I thought!" he growled.

He charged again. She tried Thunder's trick and dashed towards him at the same time. They collided with each other at full speed and both cats went flying backwards. Before Crazystar had risen, Splashheart was already back on his feet. "Nice try," he admitted. "Never seen that move before. Creative, but not enough to save your pathetic life."

Crazystar walked casually towards him and leapt forward. She managed to land a blow over his eyes, and then, while he was blinded by blood, she attempted to hit his neck. He anticipated the move and twisted away. Her claws struck his shoulder instead.

Crazystar quickly retreated before he could retaliate. I can still beat him...but I'm not sure if I honestly believe that.

Splashheart was already racing at her yet again, and she tried one more of Thunder's moves. She took a flying leap, spinning around while still in flight, and soared just barely over his head. Crazystar landed behind him, but he'd already turned around. She wasn't able to dodge a blow that landed on her right cheek.

This isn't going to work...I'll have to try something else.

The camp entrance was just behind Splashheart. An idea, a very crazy one that was highly unlikely to work formed in her mind...but she had to try.

Crazystar tensed her muscles as if she were about to charge and then suddenly stiffened, putting on her best fearful expression. "Great StarClan," she muttered quietly, but just loud enough for Splashheart to hear.

The ThunderClan leader slowly took a few steps backward. Splashheart fell for it. He looked hesitantly over his shoulder and in that moment, Crazystar crashed into him. He cried with surprise and tumbled onto the ground. Before he could throw her off or escape her grasp, she sank her teeth into his neck. She leaned over him and admired the wound she'd created, watching the blood ooze out of it and the light fading slowly out those cold, sinister amber eyes. "I guess I'm not the dumb one, am I?" she asked. "One of the oldest tricks ever, and you actually fell for it!"

Splashheart tried to say something, but all that came out was a small trickle of blood. "Well, say hi to the Place of No Stars for me," she meowed before walking away.

"Splashheart's dead!" one rogue finally noticed.

The battle halted. Crazystar watched "SplashClan" flee the camp. "Who's dead?" she asked her exhausted Clanmates, even thought she didn't really want to know.

Liontail spoke. "Streamsplash, as you already know," her deputy replied. "And poor old Darkstorm, but all of us knew he was seasons past being capable of fighting a battle like this. We were lucky not to have lost any more."

Crazystar was still sad about her brother's death. But she was thankful not to have lost the battle or any other family members. And perhaps most importantly, she saw beautiful blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight at the back of the crowd. Stonestream, the cat she loved more than anyone, was still alive.

Hawkwhisker stepped forward and dipped his head. "Thank you, Crazystar," Mousestorm's former mentor meowed. "You have destroyed the greatest threat to our Clan. I had my doubts about you as leader, but they've all vanished. Splashheart tried to recruit me, and I'm ashamed to say I considered it for even a heartbeat. I believe you will be one of the greatest leaders this forest has ever seen."

Crazystar was glad to know her Clan trusted her. "Thanks, Hawkwhisker," she meowed. "And while you all are resting I suppose someone has to hunt. I'll go out and you can get some sleep, but once I return, Liontail has to wake an unlucky group of you to hunt and patrol our borders. The other Clans won't go away. Now I'll leave and..."

"No one says you have to go hunting alone!" Brightleaf blurted out cheerfully, interrupting the gray-furred she-cat.

"Brightleaf, she didn't invite you!" Cloudheart scolded her kit. "Now go to the warriors den and get some rest so Liontail can..."

"No, she can come," Crazystar reassured the white-furred she-cat.

"Yay!" Brightleaf exclaimed, bouncing around happily.

It was all she could to do not to laugh at the silver-and-white she-cat's enthusiasm, but she couldn't manage to keep her whiskers from twitching with amusement.

"Alright, no need to waste any more daylight chatting," Crazystar meowed. "Let's go!"

The ThunderClan leader marched toward the camp entrance and beckoned for her former apprentice to follow.

Then they were racing through the forest, running from their problems and the camp of weary ThunderClan warriors.

And to Crazystar, it felt like they were flying.

A/N: I know I said I wasn't going to update, but I had to finish the battle! :) Tell me what you think please? :) Yes, for those of you who are wondering this is the last chapter other than the epilogue.

Thanks so much for reading this chapter and this whole book! You're really awesome fans, may StarClan light your path! :D

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