Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

                Crazykit stared at the medicine cat, bewildered. Why did Honeywhisker react like that? Isn’t she impressed at all?

                The medicine cat took a deep breath as if making a massive effort to calm herself. “Did you move all of these herbs and berries?” Honeywhisker asked. “By yourself?”

                Maybe she is impressed!

                “Yes,” Crazykit answered, lifting her head proudly.

                “Did you eat any of them?” Honeywhisker questioned her.

                “No,” Crazykit replied, confusion rushing through her head.

                “Why did you move them?” Honeywhisker asked in a low growl.

                Crazykit flinched back. Why does she sound so angry?

                “I found this-” she began to explain, only to be interrupted by Honeywhisker.

                “No, wait,” the medicine cat snarled. “You can tell it to Cloudstar!”

                Crazykit tried to protest, but Honeywhisker wasn’t listening. Crazykit reluctantly followed her.

                Honeywhisker walked through the camp, heading towards a ledge of rock that was called the Highledge. Without pausing to see if Crazykit was still following, she climbed up the steep rock. Scared but determined not to show weakness, she took a massive leap and tried to get a grip on the rock. For one terrifying moment, her hind legs stood on nothing but air, and Crazykit was certain that she was going to plummet all the way back down to the ground. But then, she managed to pull her legs up. Crazykit wanted to rest for a moment, but Honeywhisker wasn’t stopping.

                Crazykit forced herself to continue the difficult climb. Finally, Honeywhisker stepped into a small cave in the Highledge. Crazykit followed. Inside, Cloudstar sat eating a mouse, and the Clan leader looked up when he heard Honeywhisker’s pawsteps. The white tom narrowed his amber eyes. “What is it, Honeywhisker?” Cloudstar asked.

                “Why don’t you ask this troublemaker what she was doing messing with my supplies?” Honeywhisker meowed, stepping aside to reveal Crazykit.

                “Honeywhisker, you can go,” Cloudstar meowed, dismissing the brown she-cat.

                “But-” Honeywhisker began to protest.

                “Go!” Cloudstar snarled, this time making it clear that he was giving an order.

                Honeywhisker met Cloudstar’s gaze without flinching. Crazykit was sure that the medicine cat would argue, but instead Honeywhisker spun around and marched out of the den without saying another word.

                Cloudstar’s gaze softened as he stared at Crazykit. “What happened?” he asked.

                Crazykit began to tell him the story. “I was outside in the camp. I-I was determined to learn everything I could about the camp because I thought maybe if I showed how eager to learn I was, you would make me an apprentice early and-” she paused, noticing that Cloudstar’s whiskers were twitching with amusement.

                “Go on,” Cloudstar meowed.

                Crazykit sighed and continued. “I noticed a cave in the wall that was pretty well hidden from sight. My next thoughts were, I’ve discovered a secret cave! When I show you what I’ve found, you might just make me an apprentice now!”

                “You’re not even a moon old yet,” Cloudstar pointed out gently.

                “I decided to see what was inside. It might make a good den,” Crazykit continued, ignoring Cloudstar’s remark about her age. “A few days ago, in the nursery, I heard Honeywhisker talking about how she never had enough herbs for leaf-bare, and that she was never able to collect enough during greenleaf. And when I looked inside the cave, I saw so many herbs and I knew they would be a good addition to Honeywhisker’s supplies, wherever they may be. So I moved them to the entrance so that Honeywhisker could collect them easier, without having to go farther into the cave. And then I found her, and showed her my discovery. She suddenly got all mad and took me up here to talk with you.”

                “And you still don’t realize, I assume,” Cloudstar meowed, pausing. “That the cave you were in was Honeywhisker’s den, and that the herbs you moved were her supplies?”

                Crazykit’s eyes widened with dismay. “I didn’t know!” she insisted desperately. “I was just trying to help! I swear by StarClan I didn’t know!”

                Cloudstar returned her frightened gaze calmly. “I know,” he meowed.

                “Your intentions,” he began. “Were good. But the results were not.”

                “Are you going to punish me?” Crazykit stammered.

                “No,” Cloudstar meowed.

                Crazykit breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Cloudstar,” she meowed.

                “But,” Cloudstar meowed. “If you ever ‘find’ something like that again, you should just tell me about it and do not mess with anything in it.”

                “Yes, Cloudstar,” Crazykit meowed, dipping her head.

                “Because the next time you wander into another cat’s den,” Cloudstar purred, amusement glimmering in his eyes. “It could be the elders den, and I doubt Sootsplash would forgive you for messing with her bedding.”

                Crazykit didn’t know how to reply to Cloudstar’s comment. She just nodded slowly. “You may leave,” Cloudstar meowed, dismissing her.

                “Wait!” Crazykit meowed. “What about Honeywhisker?”

                “I’ll speak with her,” Cloudstar answered. “I’m sure she’ll forgive you when she finds out you were just trying to help.”

                “Okay. Thanks again, Cloudstar,” Crazykit meowed, dashing for the entrance to his den.

                She was almost gone quick enough to miss his reply. “No problem, Crazykit,” he responded. “You’ll make a fine warrior one day.”

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