Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Crazypaw followed Liontail, who was leading the tunnel-training session for today, through the forest. Morningpaw walked by her side, with Oakstream, Stormpool, Blackwing, and Antwhisker padding behind them. "It's not fair!" Stormpool hissed to his brother, Oakstream. "We're warriors, and we're still training with apprentices!"

The other warriors murmured agreement. Liontail paused, and shot a stern look over his shoulder. "All of the younger cats need to practice tunnel skills," the golden tom meowed. "It's the hardest part of battle training. Even the most highly-skilled warriors find it difficult to perform certain moves in the tunnels."

Most of the warriors had the good sense to hold their tongues and not complain any further, but Antwhisker spoke up. "I don't even get why we have to do tunnel-training at all!" the light brown tom hissed. "Cats don't belong in there; it's unnatural. It's too dark to see where you're putting your paws, the soil feels cold, wet, and weird, and it's too easy to bang your head on the roof or your paws against the walls..."

"We should train in the tunnels because...well, what if we didn't train? WindClan could come through the tunnels and attack our camp in the middle of the night if we didn't patrol the tunnels and train for tunnel-battles!" Liontail interrupted, tail twitching with impatience.

No cat said another word until they reached the tunnels. Crazypaw sniffed the air and stiffened. She recognized that scent from when Liontail showed her the territory two sunrises ago. WindClan!

"WindClan are here!" she hissed to Liontail.

"I'd noticed," Liontail meowed dryly.

"Well, what are we going to do?" Crazypaw demanded.

"Nothing, as long as they're just training, not trying to invade, and they don't show any signs of aggression," Liontail replied.

With that, he lifted his tail and charged down into the tunnels.

Crazypaw followed by scent only. She could feel herself beginning to panic. I can't see anything! It's so dark and cold and weird and...

Suddenly, she felt her mentor's tail on her shoulder. "Calm down," Liontail whispered. "We'll arrive at the cave in a few moments."

She had no idea what Liontail meant, but she forced herself to calm down. Liontail won't lead us into danger. Still...I can't wait to be back in ThunderClan territory, with the grass and leaves under my paws.

Finally, Crazypaw could see a faint gray light in the distance. Liontail gave the signal to stop and Crazypaw looked forward. WindClan cats were training in a large cave. Liontail pointed with his tail towards a black tom who was giving orders. "That's Smokewhisker," he meowed quietly. "The WindClan deputy."

Crazypaw looked around the cave. A triangular opening in the stone roof of the cave allowed light to flood into it. The sound of rushing water filled her ears, and she stared in disbelief. A river? Underground?

Suddenly, Smokewhisker stopped and sniffed the air. "ThunderClan," he muttered. Then, louder, he meowed, "Show yourselves!"

"We're right over here, obviously," Blackwing growled. "Any cat who's not blind or stupid could see it and-"

Liontail slapped his tail over the young warrior's mouth and glared at him for a moment, before stepping out into the cave. "Greetings, Smokewhisker," Liontail meowed calmly.

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