16. A Hot Day

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Seeley Booth:

Seeley had knocked on the door to your apartment one hot day, wearing a short-sleeved shirt, shorts, sandals, sunglasses sitting atop his head, and with two cold beers in his hands. They were still dripping from condensation. He reminded you of the canceled beach plans — neither of you had managed to take time off — and ushered you excitedly to the parking lot. A patch of the pavement was covered with sand and there was a filled up kiddie pool with a pair of lawn chairs and beach umbrellas. Between the set up was a small table with snacks and a cooler with more beer. There was a poorly made sign that read: "Booth Beach". Seeley handed you a drink and grinned. "Eh? What do you think? Our own private beach." When you'd asked about the sand, he'd absentmindedly said something about borrowing from Hodgins.


Jack Hodgins:

School was out but that didn't mean that you got a break. Not as an advanced placement instructor; there was summer homework to give to your students. The good thing was, you didn't have your hands constantly tied behind your back so Jack knew when you had time to go out. The fields during the summer were especially nice at night, so he'd made plans to take a trip away from the city. It was a nice change to get away from the sweltering heat and noise of bustling people. Out here, all there was was the sound of wind. And fireflies. You should have expected for him to know the exact time and place for them to swell. Walking with him was like walking along the stars. And as if things couldn't get any better, he'd pulled a couple jars from the backseat of his car. "Let's catch some fireflies, baby."


Lance Sweets:

In your defense, he'd been the one who had wanted to go out and do something fun. It'd been too warm outside and you'd complained about getting sweaty. In his apartment there had been fans and air conditioning. If he'd at least waited until the sun had set, you could have gone to a summer night festival or something of the like. Instead, Lance had wanted to bathe in the sunlight while it was here. He'd talked about how he would laugh at you if your skin didn't glow after the season, but look who was laughing now. He'd gotten sunburned and, sure, you'd felt bad for your poor pale man. The festival had been fun that morning but, come afternoon, he hadn't looked too good. You'd made him apologize and admit his mistake before accepting to take care of him and his suffering body.


James Aubrey:

What was being an FBI agent if you didn't have the right sunglasses for the part? A body had been found at the flea market but, on the way, you'd passed a booth selling accessories and James had been tempted to try on sunglasses. He'd forgotten to take it off since you'd shooed him away, the heat being the cause of your grumpiness. Though you'd technically made him shoplift, it didn't stop your partner from boasting about how much cooler he looked. James still forced you to return that evening, to pay for the glasses as well as to get you a pair. If you didn't oblige, he didn't want to be seen with an uncool agent in the car. While the forensics team tried to identify the victim, you two spent the summer evening checking out the market and eating Mexican fruit cups with chili powder and lime.


Zack Addy:

You'd made a deal with him to do it, to cut his hair, but Zack had come up with his own argument that convinced you to also get a haircut with him. If the Jeffersonian was asking him to change, he wanted your support. The weather in D.C. was blazing and you were feeling adventurous, leaving you to agree with the counter proposition. The thing was, you'd get to choose each other's cuts but promised that the choice would not to embarrass one another with bad hairdos; not that you ever would, he still made sure to clear that up with you. So you and Zack entered a walk-in salon, the deal closed, and got your hair washed and snipped off to better suit the weather. In the end, neither of you complained because both of your heads felt lighter and cooler for the following months. And, as a bonus, you both looked damn fresh.


Wendell Bray:

Being around machines all day long and working outside in the heatwave itself, you, Wendell, and the crew had to make it out alive. This was what you guys did for a living, so there was no escape. Bottles of water sat at every corner of the repair shop, coolers were scattered around, nearly the entire team had opted to working shirtless while you had stripped down to shorts and a tank, and everyone had brought in fans from home. It was pure torture, but the paychecks were enough to keep you all moving. That was until the sun hit the highest point of the day. You didn't like putting your boys through this so you got out the hose and went hunting for them. Wendell was your first victim. Your boyfriend was getting ready to change the oil of a vehicle when you aimed the hose right at his back and sprayed.


Vincent Nigel-Murray:

It was a miracle. He'd gotten some time off, as did you. At the same time. Neither of you had been able to fathom the situation, so the scurry to get away from work had been, to say the least, chaotic. Without giving the Jeffersonian the chance to reel either one of you back into work, you and Vincent fled to the road trip you'd been discussing. He'd wanted to visit monuments and you'd wanted to sight-see. Rarely did you get the opportunity to do field work, so you'd hit the jackpot and the best part was that there was no work tied to it. It was a whole week with Vincent and strangers you'd never encounter again, trying foods, seeing historical sites, and listening to whatever he had to dish out. It was like having your own tour guide, one you could hold onto and kiss whenever you wanted.

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