10. Your Nickname for Him

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Seeley Booth:

After all you'd been through together, if felt like you'd known him for a lifetime. From the war to now, it had built a bond of trust, humility, and utter comfort. You'll call him 'Stud', often with emphasis on the 'd'. When you'd first met him on the battlefield, it was what you'd called Seeley because he just seemed like another pretty face with a gun to you. Now, it's more of a joke and it just reminds the man of the first time you two met, giving him no issue with it because it'd only been filled with good times. Now, he only teases you for thinking he was good-looking when you first saw him in the field. "You just couldn't resist my charm, could you?"


Jack Hodgins:

He uses it so often in his every day life, though with not as much recognition from other people, but it was impossible for you to not use it. Jack is your 'King', as if that in itself wasn't self explanatory. You don't use it often because it feeds his into his massive ego but, when you do call him your King, he always gives you that little grin of his and looks at you as if he were the luckiest man in the world. When you become more intimate, and it's normally after you spend a night together, you'll murmur to him that he's the 'King of the Bedroom' the next morning. No other nicknames could compete. Unless you were teasing him, then you'd revert to an endearing 'Bug-Boy' or 'Bugbear'.


Lance Sweets:

Although he appears all professional under that suit, you know just how silly he can get. It's just a matter of keeping that professional face around everyone else, otherwise they wouldn't take him seriously. To keep his nickname simple, so that it doesn't turn heads, you'll call him 'Sweetie'. It's used to show your affection. Lance likes it because it's subtle and you can say it whenever, whether at work or within the privacy of your homes. It's not distracting and doesn't have any bad connotations in public. Also, calling him Sweets was too professional and Sweetie was an alternative version that you preferred. Sometimes, you'll even go with 'Suga'' and a coy bump to the hip.


James Aubrey:

Your relationship with James quickly became playful the more you got to know one another. So, for your dorky man, it was 'James 007' or 'Bond'. With his name and the look of him in his fitting FBI suit, you couldn't help yourself. He was the next James Bond; at least that's what you joked about in your sarcastic manner. Despite the jabs, James had liked the sound of it and in his mind he was the next Bond     which was the reason why you normally had to tell him to "chill", but he always made you smile when he acted the part. "What if I hold my gun like this? And smoulder. You like my Bond smoulder." By then, you'd just call him a fuckin' nerd and roll your eyes with a grin.


Zack Addy:

Zack already had many adoring nicknames at work and, even if he didn't quite get them, he normally got smug when it came to mentioning who called him what. He got especially prideful when you began to play around with his name. 'Zacky' was the typical everyday one you'd bring out but, occasionally, you liked to tease and use 'Zacaroo' and the one that Hodgins would always always tell you to stop talking, 'Zackachoo'. They were quirky, doing the job to get Zack out of his serious and focused mindset. Even if it was one of the reasons why you liked him, there was nothing wrong with loosening him up. 'Zack-attack' is another personal favorite.


Wendell Bray:

He was like any other person you'd ever met but he hid it beneath a thick wall of charisma, understanding, and helpfulness. You'll call Wendell your 'Superboy', especially after he'd done something to help out. He'd had a rough beginning and was still doing whatever it was that he could to keep himself stable with a job while also trying to keep you in a happy and healthy relationship with him. He worked so hard and so long, it was hard to ignore. In your eyes, he could do anything he set his mind to and that was what made him 'super' in your eyes. He once asked, "Why not Superman?" but you'd only winked and told him he needed to earn the upgrade.


Vincent Nigel-Murray:

Because you were in a professional setting, there had to be a balance of that professionalism if either of you flirted. Of course, Vincent hadn't held back from it when you'd first met. Before the pair of you had gotten together, you'd called him 'Casanova' because Vincent was oh-so-confident when it came to women. He thought he was all that   until he'd started to catch feelings for you. He'd become a mess, especially with Camille around as a reminder of his embarrassment. You'll occasionally bring the nickname up again but to use teasingly, mostly to get him flustered by memory. Other days, 'Vin' or 'Vincetti' suffices well enough.

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