04. You Catch Feelings

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Seeley Booth

There was gunfire all around. After recovery, you'd been dropped back into action but had underestimated the severity of the rescue mission. Your squad had been locked in battle for days, hostages yourselves. With little to no supplies remaining, it was surely the end until a team unexpectedly barged through the other side of the hangar. In that last push, everyone snuck to the exit with you leading. It was a shock to run into Seeley, firearms aimed until he broke the tension with a, "We've got to stop meeting like this, [Y/N]," and helped everyone evacuate. As the last person slipped from sight, bullets sprayed in your direction and Seeley pulled you into his arms, throwing both your bodies.

You could feel his heartbeat racing your own, the flush of sweat and desperation as his blood soaked through his padding, and his uttered words of comfort in your hair that had the roots curling. "I'll get us home. I promise. We're going home, [Y/N]." This wasn't like before; he'd risked his life to come for you and, not knowing when it happened, you realized just how deep your feelings extended for the man. Seeley had a knack for being brave and protective, but this hadn't been in his jurisdiction. He'd heard that you hadn't returned and had sought you out himself. Had it not been for the adrenaline, you'd probably have felt the tingling down your spine and waves of hotness surging your body as he held you so close that your breaths fanned one another's skin.


Jack Hodgins

It was that time of the year and your class was unloading the bus with their clipboards and activity packets. However, you were distracted to a point that your eyes would light up if a phone even vibrated in your vicinity. A loved one at home had recently gotten into a motorbike accident and all the relatives nearby were busy that day; everyone was juggling visits, keeping in touch with the doctors, while managing to stay in work. You were expecting a call, a text, anything. Everyone noticed how absent minded you were but no one asked until you'd arrived at Jack's platform in the Jeffersonian. He realized how you didn't watch and interact like usual, but went on with his demonstration.

Later in the trip, Jack found a moment with you and asked what was wrong with a gentle nudge of his arm. In the midst of telling him the situation, your phone rang and panic ensued. It didn't take long for an idea to pop into his head and he grabbed both your shoulders, mouthing that you should, "Go." While on the phone, your face pumped with a blazing warmth. "Hey, I'll look after the class for a bit. It'll be fine." Being so near, it was almost too easy to get swept by those vibrant eyes of his. It didn't matter that he stood in a jumpsuit and wore crazy goggles, it didn't matter that he had goop stains from an experiment, you'd been falling for the man. You'd fallen through space and through time, and he had caught you right there. Right then.


Lance Sweets

The day had begun like any other and would have fallen to evening just the same, had surges of power outages not been a frequent occurrence across the streets. Shops had been warned by construction workers that it should stop by morning, before the stores even opened up again. Standing in the market's produce aisle, you'd been bagging bell peppers when the lights fell and the hum of the store softened to a groan, then nothing. In that instant, your heart rate jumped. Your chest tightened and you were getting nervous. The shocked whispers of other shoppers and their footsteps bounced through your head but all you could hear were your kidnappers from that night.

An employee told you to relax, patting you humorously, but you'd slapped them away. It wasn't clear when it happened, but you were on the floor and roughly caressing your face. I'm safe. Relax. Relax? You couldn't. Not until you heard his voice. "[Y/N]? It's Lance. Sweets? I'm kneeling down, okay?" Your bicep tensed when you felt his hand, but allowed his voice to lead like he'd done in his office. "Can you hold your breath with me for five seconds?" You both fell into the routine, breathing as he did and listing groceries as a distraction, until the lights flickered on. Both in the store and in you, allowing you to see his knitted eyebrows and the way his lips were parted worriedly. How kind and handsome he looked. Had you really developed an undeniable crush on your psychologist?

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