17. Your "Jamming" Song

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Seeley Booth: you shook me all night long - ac/dc

Washington's evening had quickly succumbed to the approach of nighttime's darkness, but you hadn't been able to tell the difference. The dimness of the poncy bar had wrapped around its tipsy patrons, blanketing them in the warmth of drinks and coaxing them to stay a bit longer. Its ambiance had been steady over the hours as you and your friends celebrated the anniversary of your first day in the HRT. After however many shots it was that you'd had, you'd almost been unable to count the years of service on your fingers. That was, after finding your fingers.

It was how Seeley had found you, leaning on one of your friends with your phone waving in your hand. Nearly twenty minutes ago he'd received the call that had brought him here. He'd stood and watched for a moment, unable to suppress the look of mirth that danced across his eyes. With your hair not curtaining your face the same way it had when you'd left home that evening, cheeks flushed, but eyes alive and happy, he couldn't not admire his woman. Only you could be dressed so nice for a fancy place but still be able to make the get-together loose and casual; it was your celebration, after all, so no tight suits and equally tight faces. "Alright, [Y/N]. I think that's enough drinking for tonight."

The sound of his approach had been hidden by guffawed laughter from your comrades. Even if few of them had greeted the agent with various hand gestures and cheers, your muddled head had been too focused on a joke about a goat that had once followed the team through a rescue in the country. Seeley's strong arms had come around you, but he'd helped you up with such a gentleness that you couldn't mistake who it was. "Booth-boy? When did you get here? It's been, like, two minutes since I heard you on the phone."

His amused chuckle rang beside your ear and, in moments, the cool air of outside had collided with your warm face. "Oh-ho, maybe two minutes too long." Seeley had almost expected some resistance on your part, not wanting to leave the party, but he smiled as you leaned your head against him. "Come on, it's bedtime. We'll get you back to my place. Watch your head." He opened the passenger door of his car and got you in, buckling in the seat belt and smelling the alcohol on you as he did; you'd been unable to resist pressing a light kiss to the corner of his mouth as the click sounded.

"Seeley, you're awesome."

"Yeah, I know, [Y/N]."

But the drive had been too quiet. You'd kept attempting to turn on his music player but Seeley was faster when it came to swatting your hand away. He'd done it in teasing manners, but was serious about keeping your headache at bay. Otherwise, you'd later blame him for making your head hurt with his obnoxious songs. He watched as you played with the window button, opening and closing it in defeat, but didn't break until the drive took you both across a bridge.

"Alright, but it's on you if your head hurts."

Aside from the humming of the air as it whooshed by the open window, the sound of the upcoming song re-birthed your spirit and you gave Seeley a grin. Prepared for the song, your drunken state had you and your imaginary drum set at the ready to play. Your hair whipped with the wind and, on cue, you played to your heart's content, brain struggling to adjust to the lyrics. It took Seeley jumping in to get you on track and rocking out. Until he took his hands off the wheel to mimic some air guitar-ing but, after some laughing, you screamed at him to drive.


Jack Hodgins: pour some sugar on me - def leppard

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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