11. His Nickname for You

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Seeley Booth:

When you'd served with Seeley, the men in the battlefield had called you 'Mama'. It had caught on due to your mother bear nature and, soon enough, men and women alike used it for you. Seeley couldn't forget, not with your pet name for him floating around the house. He'll call you 'Little Mama' to get that eye roll from you, that look that will cause him to grin and remind him of how much of a sucker he was for you. And sure there was the typical 'babe' here and there, but his favorite to turn to had always been 'Pretty Lady'. It delivered the message quickly and could be used in any tone of voice he desired, weather sultry or cheesy.


Jack Hodgins:

Jack will call you 'My Queen' in your most intimate moments when he wants you to know that you are his lover and his alone. You always have to remind him that you know you're his woman as he is your man. Neither of you would have it any other way. He likes the idea that every king needs a queen and you were the perfect fit for the title. Sometimes, in public, he'll use a simple 'Milady'. In other occasions, he already has a habit of calling people 'Baby' and you are no exception to it. It brings a little twinkle in his eye when he says it to you and doesn't have to apologize. You're the one constant in his life that he can depend on.


Lance Sweets:

It was at the start of the relationship that he found it difficult to get out of a professional mindset but, in return for your pet name, Lance started calling you Sweetheart. Though it did embarrass him a little in front of the team. It later became your iconic pair title, the Sweet Couple; all your colleagues called you this behind your backs and neither of you minded when you found out. He didn't use the nickname often at work and would rather call you it while out with friends or over at one another's places. When things got more spontaneous and comfortable, he found his favorite for you to be 'Angel face'. Nothing suited you better.


James Aubrey:

"It was a joke! [Y/N!]" You had flicked the man on the forehead the first time he called you a 'Bond girl', so he had to try something else that wouldn't get a glare and embarrass him in front of the forensics team. James called you Q, instead, as a run-on joke between the two of you when out on the field; you worked so well together that way. In your private lives, he'll use sweet and cheesy nicknames like 'Muffin', 'Honey', and 'Buttercup' as if his love for food couldn't get any bigger than his heart when it came to you. You've also learned that whenever he overuses any of them, it's code for him being hungry and wanting to go out.


Zack Addy:

Zack didn't get much of the reasoning behind nicknames, even if he understood that they were a part of relationships and were terms that carried endearment. They were almost unnecessary and childish. There were other ways to show you that he liked you but, with the number of nicknames you had for him, he had to give in at one point. It had been harder than he'd anticipated and perhaps he'd overthought it but, after long and hard thinking, Zack settled on 'Boo'. You used to try and sneak up on him at work and would always say it. He didn't call you the name directly, either, but would refer to it. "That's [Y/N]. She's what I would call 'my boo'."


Wendell Bray:

When you'd first hired him, he'd called you 'Boss' and 'Chief'. In the relationship, he'll sometimes use them if you order him around. To be intimate, 'Baby' was too original for Wendell and you were special. You'd helped him back onto his feet and had been by his side since. He tried calling you 'Baby Doll' one day and, surprised that it came out of nowhere, you adored the sound of it. It had an authentic and old soul appeal that made your heart flutter. Sometimes he would even call you 'Doll' or 'Doll face' just to make you smile. Everything he did was to see you laugh and be happy, which was all the more reason to love and hold onto him harder.


Vincent Nigel-Murray:

Vincent enjoys calling you 'Love' or 'Darling' and, whenever he does, he'll sometimes brush a stray strand of your hair away from your face so he can admire you entirely. He also adores the tint of pink blush that flushes across your cheeks when that happens and pokes fun at you for it, which only makes you blush harder and it gives him more reasons to be silly and annoy you. To take it further and get back at you for the Casanova nickname, he'll call you his special 'Lady Friend' with a wiggle of his eyebrows. The pet names are discreet enough at work, though not the touching if you're working around corpses all day.

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