06. He Gets Jealous

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Seeley Booth

Seeley had jokingly called you his cute little nurse, an angel with a shotgun that visited him too much. But it was the day you hadn't shown up, with the usual hospital snacks, that got him restless. He'd been moved from ICU, so Seeley had gone to stretch his legs when your voice came from around a corner. He'd planned a surprise attack to get a funny scolding, but what he saw made his face fall for a second. "[Y/N]?" Sitting with you was a man he recognized to have been a hostage from the rescue. You talked comfortably as he thanked you, blushing as he called you modest and pretty outside your suit, but all Seeley could think was that you'd been there the entire time. No, you deserved recognition and praise. You deserved a chance at something normal. He couldn't get greedy with your attention but, nonetheless, wanted it. Pursing his mouth, Seeley inhaled and headed back to his room on crutches.


Jack Hodgins

The tour hadn't taken long. You'd visited the main attractions but Jack was set on showing you something different and you'd gotten the chance to talk to his colleagues who were, in fact, his closest friends. Jack couldn't imagine a time he'd been in a better mood and had alluded to meeting up for lunch or a drink. You'd agreed, but quickly mentioned how late it was. You'd lost track of time with him and forgot that someone was waiting for you. He accompanied you out but there was a car parked and someone came out. Some tall, broad-shouldered guy. "W-who's that?" Jack had faltered and you told him, sheepishly, that it was someone a colleague had set you up with. And that you were going to a group movie date. "Really?" He'd literally handed you off to another man. Jack didn't like it one bit and felt as small as an insect as the other opened the passenger door for you. "That seriously didn't just happen."


Lance Sweets

It was pure coincidence Lance had bumped into you at the Founding Fathers and any and all words had flown over his head. Booth wasn't any help when he clapped his shoulder and cheekily excused himself, but Lance improvised. Seating yourselves at the counter, you were minutes into catching up when another man took the seat beside yours and kindly offered to buy drinks. Something flared in Lance's chest and he was about to say that it wasn't necessary, and that you were with him, but the bartender had heard and asked to see the psychologist's ID. In turn, the intruder had snickered and Lance got flustered and took out his ID. "I'm twenty-three, man." But one look at you and the other patron, and he was dispirited and embarrassed. "I should get back to my friends." He'd tossed a defeated 'stay safe' look and retreated but you, on the other hand, got mad that he'd left you with a complete stranger!


James Aubrey

It wasn't spring cleaning but you'd gotten a nice check and planned to get rid of things to make room for new furnishing. Word got out to your friends and an ex-boyfriend offered to take some items to his pawn shop. James later called about having a case report and you told him he could drop it off at your apartment anytime, perhaps slide it under the door if you weren't home. He'd arrived and knocked, but it was your ex who answered and James apprehensively questioned his appearance. You came to shoo your ex aside and informed that he was a friend, but the other instantly said, "We used to date." On the spot, James' gut churned uncomfortably. He'd raised a brow and grimaced, face turning pink. Why would an ex be at your place? He couldn't have good intentions but, before James could do anything, you happily took the case file and said you'd meet him at work in the morning. "Who brings an ex into their apartment?"


Zack Addy

Zack had noticed a reoccurring event, though he'd first concluded that seeing you in the Royal Diner happened by chance. It didn't stop him from showing up more because you seemed to visit it often. Between the times of 12:30 and 2:30 — his colleagues had told him whenever they saw you, but he hadn't seen the relevance of it until recently. It made sense, though planning ways to run into you didn't make sense. Angela reassured him that having a crush did that. He'd gone out for lunch with Angela again but, as soon as they'd gone in, Angela spoke a troubled, "Uh-oh," in which Zack had responded, "What is it? What's uh-oh?" And not a second later, he saw it. Sitting at a table, you had a guy's arm around your shoulders. Zack didn't stick around to see anymore and had gone out the door, saying that he wasn't hungry anymore. There had been no way to know that the man had been a relative of yours.


Wendell Bray

Customer turn up had slowed this day and you'd sent some of your workers home, with the exception of Wendell and two others. It was that same day an old friend had made an appointment, but you'd bumped them because there wasn't much going on. Not to mention, you'd had a crush on this guy in high school and thought it'd be nice to see an old friend. Wendell hadn't thought much when he'd arrived; the guy was like any other person who wanted their car checked. Until a co-worker mentioned how he'd once been an old flame and that the reunion might rekindle something. "Really? That guy?" Up to that moment, every smile you shared with the guy, every joke, and close proximity needed to explain something, he hadn't overthought it. Now Wendell was wary and unable to not shoot skeptical glances in your direction while the customer was around. That car wasn't getting fixed fast enough.


Vincent Nigel-Murray

The winter holidays had the Jeffersonian hosting one of its many fundraiser parties, because what said 'donate' better than having a coworker, dressed as jolly Saint Nick, waddling around? Initially, you hadn't planned to attend. Not until someone else from the toxicology department had asked you to be their date. He wouldn't have been your first pick. Vincent would have been, but you were unsure if Brennan's interns had been invited. But the universe liked to play jokes, as Vincent did show face and one of the first sights he'd seen was you at the arm of another man. It had been more than a punch to the gut and more like a punch to the... everything. He'd genuinely thought that the pair of you had been headed somewhere, that you'd reciprocated his interest, but perhaps not. "I believe I'll be better off on that side of the party." Though you'd recently met in the past months, it didn't make it hurt any less. 

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