03. You Unexpectedly See Him

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Seeley Booth

You'd taken worse hits than a bullet to the leg but, as soon as the hospital released you with your next days in a leg cast and crutches, Seeley treated you as if your whole leg had been blown off and had driven you home. You reassured him that you could take care of yourself and closed the door on him, singing, "Bye, Seeley," as he was in the middle of asking, "Are you sure?" The first time he showed up on your doorstep, two days after, surprised you; he'd brought donuts. Who were you to say no to that? You let him into your apartment for a bit, shared the pastries, and he commented about how lonely you must get. You hadn't thought much of that because you'd lived by yourself for a long time. When you were done and had said your goodbyes, Seeley said that he'd come by to check on you soon. You didn't know that soon would be the next day... and the day after that and the day after that. He brought food and drinks, so you didn't complain.


Jack Hodgins

The thing about grocery shopping on the weekends was that it was the perfect time for everyone to go because they had time off from work. Another thing about grocery shopping on the weekends was the time-consuming roundabout everyone had to go through in the parking lot to find a free space. Luckily, you were able to find one to pull into as soon as you reached the store. Just as you got out and locked the door, your eyes caught onto a bright Mini driving down the pavement. Only two cars down, there was a free space and it drew in vehicles like a beacon. Behind the wheel of the Mini, was Jack Hodgins. You watched him with a grin as he drove by with a honk to get the spot before anyone else could. Jack got out of the car, slammed the door shut, and walked to the bumper to throw his fists victoriously up in the air, shouting, "King of the Parking Lot!" You laughed at his silliness and did your shopping with him that day.


Lance Sweets

It was too costly to go to the gym and you preferred jogging outdoors; it helped to get your mind off of the things. Lance always went to the gym and had already finished up his hour when he saw you through the window, dressed for a run and heading right for the park. On one hand, he wanted to go with you and on the other, he was already exhausted. Then again, what were a few minutes? He left his gym bag in his locker, swiped his water bottle, and burst out the door to catch up to you. You were surprised to see him at the park, looking like he really needed to sit down. Lance barely had the breath to say hi and you laughed, handing him your bottle for a quick drink since he didn't seem to have refilled his. He offered to run with you and said that he was only tired because of his jog from "his place to the park". Glad for it, you said sure and Lance knew that he was in for another hour of hurting and muscle cramps the next day.


James Aubrey

James had a completely reasonable excuse for showing up at the movie theater to watch Big Hero 6 because he was babysitting Christine for Seeley and Temperance, wanting to give her a taste of a "real childhood". You, on the other hand, were a grown woman who'd gone alone because you just wanted to take time off and watch something new and silly to relax. In James' mind, he thought that it was awesome that you would do such a thing but you thought that he would think you were immature since you'd only just become partners. You'd spent the first fifteen minutes avoiding him and it left James to approach you. He asked if you wanted to go in with him and Christine; who'd made a tiny comment about how James' girlfriend was pretty but it was purposefully ignored by the both of you by the sound of James' awkward chuckle and your averting eyes. After the three of you saw the movie, you all drove out to a diner for a meal together.


Zack Addy

"Why can't I get a date?" That was the million dollar question in Zack's mind and he was thinking it over in the Royal Diner while eating lunch with Angela. She asked him if he'd asked anyone out, which was an obvious no. "That's why, Sweetie," she answered. Zack stared down at his soup, frowning as he thought about it. He was buried too deep in his thoughts to hear you walk in. It was only when Angela tapped his arm, took a drink of her tea, and subtly flickered her eyes at you, that he noticed. "Go talk to her." Finally, after a little more coaxing, Zack went up to you. He stood, unsure at first, then cleared his throat to get your attention and decided to try for that coffee again... then he realized you already had a cup of it in your hand. The young man then saved himself and quickly said that he could pay for the drink. At the sight of his mouth twitching nervously into a smile, you recognized him immediately and thanked him for the gesture.


Wendell Bray

After the dinner incident, the boys confronted Wendell and asked if they'd gotten in the way of him trying to ask you on a date. He'd said that it was fine but they insisted on making it up to him. That weekend, you were unprepared for the trip the auto crew dragged you on. They pulled up in front of a hockey arena and claimed that they had a friend playing with the Fed Cases and wanted to support him; it would be "fun", they said, before casually disappearing into the crowd and completely ditching you. When it started, you were barely into it until you noticed a familiar face on the rink. That friend the boys had been talking about was Wendell. After that, you decided to give the game a shot and cheered for his team. When the game ended, you waited for him outside of the locker rooms and he came out, telling you how surprised he was when he heard you in the crowd. Both of you went to the food court to celebrate his victory that night.


Vincent Nigel-Murray

You were at a bar with your girl friends, drinking, eating, laughing, eyeing men, and watching Jeopardy on the TV that was hung up on the wall behind the counter. All of you played along but, in your tipsy states, every question you all answered back to the screen were random and brought in large fits of giggles. You weren't the most wasted friend out of the girls, because someone had to watch out for the creeps who planned to take advantage of buzzed ladies. Halfway through the night, someone did approach but it wasn't a creep at all. Vincent slid into the seat beside yours and answered the game, correctly, just before the contestant did. You and your friends rooted and cheered for him as he played. He bought you a drink but you told him you couldn't take it. Vincent went on to reassure you that you could consume however much alcohol you wanted and that he would ensure your safe return at the end of the night, along with your friends'.

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