02. He Fails To Ask You Out

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Seeley Booth

'Confident' was Seeley's middle name, but so was 'gentleman'. You took him up on his offer for drinks but that was before you took a bullet to the calf. Instead of going out for drinks that night, he took you to the infirmary where they pried the shrapnel from your leg. So much for celebrating and hanging out all night long until you were too drunk to even stand. He didn't try to ask you out to the Founding Father's again, not when he was busy keeping you entertained and just giving you company in your hospital room. Seeley brought you snacks, mainly chips and pudding, and just sat with you the entire time, watching horrible hospital soap operas on the TV hanging in the corner and stealing some of the pudding he'd bought for you.


Jack Hodgins

The senior girls you had on this year's trip were overtaken by giggles every time Jack shouted enthusiastically or even looked at you or when you both smiled at one another. It was 'so obvious' that you 'both liked each other', they claimed. Jack took the hints from the students and decided to humor them; you were pretty, smart, good with kids, and liked mayhem. He saw no harm in asking you to lunch; nothing could stop him. The man even fixed his curls before approaching you as you stood at the edge of the platform while everyone else looked at a body. Half of his sentence was already out when Cam called him out and said that it was inappropriate to ask over a decaying body. There was a unison of "Ooh", followed by snickers from the kids.


Lance Sweets

After the waitress case was solved, Lance noticed the haunted look in your eyes and offered psychiatric help to get you on the path to recovery. Realizing that you felt comfortable discussing your anxiety with the psychologist, you agreed to see him again. After a month, you were on the right track to remission. Lance found that, once he calmed you down, you were nice, funny, and had a lot of self-confidence. Your regular sessions became less scheduled and more personal, where you'd both meet at a diner or talk and eat at his place for the evening. He liked your company but could never pluck up the courage to progress anything and see if he could get results. He asked Booth for advice and the man told him to "go for it because girls like her don't come by often".


James Aubrey

James had it all planned out and he thought that it was a genius idea, completely creative. Your partner was planning to ask you out in order to get to know one another better. He ordered a plate of breadsticks that spelled out "Date" and a pizza with the toppings spread into a perfect question mark. Before he could deliver you the lunch, where he expected you to say yes and then you'd both share the meal, Booth called for his help with a case file. James sighed and set the food down in the break room, following after the agent. He quickly did what he could and rushed back but, when he returned, his colleagues had found the pizza and breadsticks, just sitting there, and they were having a great time eating his... no, your food. Pissed, he sulked over and snatched a breadstick to chew on, his day ruined.


Zack Addy

You were still shaky from the events as Zack finished picking the flesh from your body and couldn't tell that the scientist was acting nervous and awkward, barely even mustering the composure to make enough eye contact. He walked you out to the lobby of the Jeffersonian, with a towel to cover your body and left you there at the front desk, not able to get his words out. As he returned to the platform, Angela saw through him and scolded the man for ditching you in such a state and he returned, handing you his lab coat and having the decency to wrap it around your shoulders. He attempted to ask you out for a quick coffee at the food court but you looked too tired and shaken up so he offered to sit with you until a friend could come by and pick you up instead.


Wendell Bray

Asking his boss out on a date reminded Wendell too much about the time he'd thought Dr. Brennan asked if he would be interested in sleeping with a woman who was much older than him, where he presumed to be her, to get insight on a case. The misunderstanding between the two of them had made him cringe internally when he thought of you. You weren't older, in fact, you were around the same age, but it was the 'boss' part that got him hesitating. You were a fun person to be around and he just wanted to get to know you outside of work without stains and the odor of sweat. Wendell got the courage to ask but you'd presumed it would be a group dinner. The entire auto shop crew went out that weekend and he wasn't too happy about it.


Vincent Nigel-Murray

Vincent had been planning to stick colorful, secret admirer, post-it notes around your sector but felt each one sounded stupid whenever he read them over on the stroll to your lab room. The last one he'd crumpled up and tossed into a nearby trashcan had said, 'You're so cute, you make my zygomaticus muscles contract,' and the one underneath it had, 'Whenever I am near you, I undergo anaerobic respiration because you take my breath away'. He was frustrated that he couldn't speak without bumbling like a bloody idiot and it bled out onto his notes. What would it take to let you know how grateful he'd been for saving him that other day? He was spouting irrelevant facts to his colleagues the whole week he was working and they couldn't figure out what was causing it.

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