12. How You Sleep and Wake Up

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Seeley Booth:

With your jobs, you're both exhausted and tense when bedtime comes around so you can fall asleep anywhere together. If it turns out to be the couch, Seeley will hold onto you until he wakes up at some ungodly time to take you to bed where you can both sleep comfortably. You're pressed close to one another in the middle of the night and you always feel safe in his grasp. There couldn't be any bad guys or weapons to take you away from him or him from you. But Seeley's rarely there when you wake up, because you'll find him making breakfast for the both of you the kitchen; he likes to make his favorite foods. There will be days where you'll try to wake up first and beat him to it.


Jack Hodgins:

The intimacy is near heavenly. You'll be on your sides and looking at one another in the dim lighting, whispering, teasing, and looking into one another's eyes. It's easy to get lost in Jack's and it helps you to know that he's right there. In the middle of the night, you'll rest your forehead on his chest and press close to him so that his chin can be on top of your head. It's how you're the perfect fit. Knowing how tired you can get from grading and reading papers, Jack will be the first one to wake up, leaving you to sleep a little more before waking you. You just love how his eyes are the last and first thing you see. After that, he doesn't mind driving you to the school before he heads to work.


Lance Sweets:

Lance got jealous of the body pillow you enjoyed cuddling with every night and asked why you didn't sleep like that with him. You'd told him that hugging someone all the time could get suffocating and bothersome, but he wasn't hearing it. You soon gave in and replaced the pillow with him, enjoying the extra warmth and comfort. It was more than welcome during the colder seasons and you found yourself snuggling into his side. He'll lay on his back, you'll curl up over his chest, and Lance will stroke your hair until you both fall asleep. You'll move apart in the middle of the night but your legs will be crossed with his and you both wake when either of you gets up in the morning.


James Aubrey:

James is a snorer, especially when he's laying on his back. No amount of additional pillows on the bed could fix the problem, not that it was too obnoxious to bear. You'll fall asleep on your side with your arm over his abdomen, and he'll be on his back with his arm under your head, but he moves in the middle of the night and sprawls out to steal the entire bed from you. Sometimes it will be on his back, other times it will be on his stomach. You have to elbow or knee him awake and he'll drowsily fix his position and pull you into him to fall back asleep, barely aware of what he's doing. You wake up in James' arms and he stirs to mumble, "Morning, Muffin," as soon as you move.


Zack Addy:

With the luxury of heaters, neither of you need blankets so you'll kick them to the side or to the bottom end of the bed. Sometimes a thin throw blanket will do the trick so you won't feel exposed to the creatures hiding in the dark. Zack says it's silly and irrational thinking, but he doesn't complain. You like to sleep with your forehead pressed to his back and you both sleep soundly like that but, somehow, your bodies will disagree. You'll wake up with Zack's hand on your waist and your arm curled on his shoulder, but your blankets are wrapped so tightly around you both that you have trouble wriggling out. It's a wonder how you two can tuck yourselves in like that.


Wendell Bray:

You and Wendell will lie in bed, staring up at the ceiling while tracing lines on each other's hands and telling one another about the day. Sometimes you'll hook your legs together or kick each other softly for fun, jab each other in the rib playfully and act childishly. You'll occasionally look at each other to laugh and smile but, after all the storytelling, you'll be the first to doze off. You were always overworking yourself, so it was easy for him to stay up. Wendell will turn off the light on the nightstand and turn to kiss your forehead before falling asleep himself. The nights are warm, calm, and relaxing. You'll wake up first to shower and toss him his day's clothes to wake him up.


Vincent Nigel-Murray:

Vincent is the blanket hog of the relationship. No matter what you do to keep the covers on top of you, he'll find a way to steal all of it in his sleep. At times, it'll lead you to leave and find yourself another blanket to bring back to bed — he'll steal that one, too. You have to shake him awake and he'll half open his eyes to groggily complain about being woken up. It's the realization that you're cold that will have him pulling you in and wrapping you up with him. Honestly, sometimes you think he does it on purpose, or at least subconsciously does it on purpose. Still, he'll make up for your torture in the morning by buying you breakfast at the diner and going to work together.

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