14. An Autmn Evening

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Seeley Booth:

Seeley had wanted you to meet Parker and it was to his convenience that his school was hosting an arts and crafts night where families could come in and build scarecrows for gardens and farms all over the area. Parker came with his friend, who'd brought their family. In the first few minutes, Seeley tried so hard to get Parker to talk to you but he'd seemed so indifferent. With a crack of your knuckles, you told your partner that you could handle it. The activities began and you pulled the two boys into your station to build the best scarecrow ever made, not afraid to get competitive with the other families. It was a flurry of craft tools. In the end, Parker took the scarecrow, slammed the stick on the ground, and claimed himself the winner, giving you high praise and credit. Seeley was more than glad.


Jack Hodgins:

Fall had hit but you were too busy helping your newest batch of students come up with community service ideas. There had been no time to spend time with Jack. Everyone had donated mittens, hats, and earmuffs to bag but you were still short on the fund to get a permit to do what you were going to do. Once Jack heard about your idea and the issue with it, he anonymously chipped in to pay the court and just watched your excitement when the permit was brought in, in front of the class. For a weekend, you, Jack, and your students carried boxes of bagged fall weather items and hung them all over towns for the needy and those who were cold but couldn't afford the warm necessities to battle it. If you ever found out that Jack was your lifesaver on the project, you'd know he was the one for you.


Lance Sweets:

You'd gone on a walk to buy Halloween decorations because the streets had been jammed with cars; walking from store to store saved gas as well as money. Lance was dressed for the weather, looking like an overstuffed penguin. You had rushed out of the house too quickly to equip yourself with the right gear. Your hair had blown in all directions, the tip of your nose and cheeks had glowed pink, and your hands had been stuffed deep in your pockets. Before leaving the first store, you'd given the outside a sigh and prepared to walk out. Lance yanked you back, pulled his hat over your head, grabbed your hand and put it in his pocket. Together, you walked from store to store and gained attention from passerby's saying how they wanted their husbands to be like him in the future.


James Aubrey:

You hated the annual pumpkin spice latte. Okay, "hate" was such a strong word, but you disliked the drink. Normally, you were all for coffees but the latte of the season was overhyped and normally tasted like burnt processed pumpkin. James, on the other hand, loved the drink with his cinnamon. Once the nearest coffee shop began to sell it, he'd started every day by buying one. Once he found out about your distaste for it, he'd given you the most disapproving look before taking the longest judgemental sip ever from the drink. At the end of a case, James approached you at the Hoover building, helped you into your coat and walked you to the nearest coffee stand. He'd bought you a small cup of the latte and paid the brewer extra to make a heart with the foam. It was so silly, you had to drink it. For him.


Zack Addy:

It was the fall season at last and your favorite clothing lines had brought out the autumn collection. Zack had mentioned how the Jeffersonian had been critiquing his choice of unprofessional clothing, so he'd come to you for help. With the opportunity, you'd dropped yourselves at the nearest mall and you went around the men's section to pick out clothes for him. Though, after a while, you'd lost him. On his own, Zack had wandered around the mall until something caught his eye. Unaware of it at first, he'd begun to pick out clothes he personally thought would look good on you. When you ran into one another again, you both tried on the clothes for each other and bought almost everything collected. If one thing could be said, you were going to be the most stylish couple in D.C.


Wendell Bray:

The leaves had changed colors and turned brittle, falling off their branches and taking over everything that sat underneath. It would have been beautiful, had your auto shop not been the thing sitting below them. The shop was surrounded by trees and their dead leaves had gotten in the way of work. The crew had to take more time blowing them out of they way than actually caring for customer vehicles. One day, you and Wendell had taken time with the boys to clean up everything once and for all. The thing was, everyone had grown close to one another and there had been more messing around than anything. Wendell had to remind you to loosen up and playfully blew a shower of leaves in your direction. After that, no work got done for a while as a battle of leaf blowers broke out.


Vincent Nigel-Murray:

Both of you had taken the weekend off to not think about anything and to live for yourselves. The thing was, without work, you had no idea what to do and sat by the fireplace in front of the TV at his home. At one point, a squirrel had shuffled over by the window and began to crack a nut. Both of you watched it, hidden behind the couch, and an idea eventually came to mind. You and Vincent went out to buy nuts and berries, brought your cameras, and went out to the nearest park. At first, you both failed to feed the creatures but were occasionally lucky enough to get close-ups with them. Vincent took fall photographs of you and you of him, and you got perfect snaps of him spilling a bag of food and going mad as he was rushed by a mob of squirrels.

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