01. How You Met

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Seeley Booth

Both you and Seeley had served in Afghanistan together and had become comrades in arms. Neither of you had expected to come crashing into one another's lives in a war zone like the way you did, but you had one another's backs. Then, Seeley left early to help his team back in D.C. and you remained to finish your service before going to Virginia to re-join the Hostage Rescue Team. You both remained in contact but had drifted apart due to your jobs. During a counterterrorism operation, your paths crossed and you both found yourselves watching each other's backs out on the field, just like the beginning days. Seeley had missed messing around with you and you'd missed laughing at him. You both promised to one another while right in the middle of a crossfire range that, if neither of you died, you'd both go out to the Founding Fathers to catch up over well-deserved drinks.


Jack Hodgins

You were a high school, AP science teacher and, twice every year, you took your class on an educational field trip to the Jeffersonian Institute. Every visit, Doctor Jack Hodgins would have a valid excuse to perform an experiment that would always somehow seem to be able to validate the current case his team was working on. You never complained because your students enjoyed watching a grown man blow up, shoot, shock, catapult, stab, and do many other unimaginable things to human dummies to recreate a murder or something of the sort. You had to admit that you looked forward to the trips every semester. Jack approached you at the end of one trip and asked if he'd ever impressed you as much as he did your students. You laughed and joked if he only entertained them to keep you coming back. He'd given a small grin and had answered, "Maybe."


Lance Sweets

Kidnaps, murder, and nightclubs go well together, apparently. You were the victim of a kidnap, along with three other females who worked in different nightclubs around the state. You escaped from the killer and managed to land yourself in a populated area to get taken to a hospital, but suffered from PTSD and your conscious buried the traumatic memory. You were able to return to work as a waitress but, on the anniversary of your kidnapping, four other waitresses disappeared. Being the only survivor that year, the bureau brought you in for questioning but you refused to remember what happened. Doctor Lance Sweets met up with you one day to put you into a state of hypnosis to recall details to help the investigation. The hours were long, full of tears and moments of panic, and you couldn't handle it. With Lance comforting you the entire time, you were able to help catch the killer in the end.


James Aubrey

James Aubrey was your new partner in the bureau. He'd made attempts to get to know you better during the car ride to your first crime scene together but you'd been in no mood for it because you were on the edge of a cold and everything was hurting; you'd decided to just suck it up and take the case anyway. He was already on edge and nervous because he was new to the team and the silence wasn't making things better. James went to turn on his music when, all at once, you pulled a huge sneeze and the transmitter dispatched a message to a nearby robbery. The sudden noises startled him and he jerked the steering wheel. You shouted at him as the vehicle veered off the lane but James was able to recover and flip the sirens on to make an excuse to the angry, honking, drivers around him. You didn't let that go for the rest of the day and got him to buy you snacks for almost killing both of you.


Zack Addy

You were on the edge of wanting to absolutely forget how you met Zack, honestly. He was quirky, dorky, and adorable, but you just wanted to forget the circumstance. It had been a nice lake day and it was completely ruined by FBI showing up with their forensic team. Still in the lake when you saw their vehicles pulling up, you swam to the bank where you saw a male in a jumpsuit. You asked Zack what was going on and, as he began to answer you, Doctor Brennan came by and requested to bring you back to the lab as evidence; she pointed out how you had human remains stuck in your hair. Freaking out, you jumped right out of the lake and, in your horror, leaped into Zack's arms. He was unprepared for it and the sudden force knocked him over and you fell with him. He had a difficult time calming you down at the lab while picking skin from your hair, especially when Hodgins only made it worse with his insensitive teasing.


Wendell Bray

Wendell came to your auto shop, looking for a job because his boss at the Jeffersonian left for a business trip to Malaku and the rest of his forensic science team had disbanded. He still needed money to pay back his internship fund and you sympathized, giving him the job. The two of you got along, right off the bat, and things may have gotten mildly personal along the way. He was a people person and you were confident. You flirted with him, first, and he reciprocated enthusiastically. The crew at the shop teased you two about it, especially about Wendell getting in with the boss but you were both too distracted and were having too much fun to care well, until he flashed you a really dashing smile one day and the toolbox in your hand slipped from your grip and nailed you right on the foot. The crew laughed, but Wendell sat you down and made sure you were okay.


Vincent Nigel-Murray

You were the Jeffersonian's forensic zoologist and toxicologist and your run in with Vincent was purely accidental. The intern had been handling large amounts of trisodium phosphate, found in the contents of a victim's stomach lining, when the chemical made its way onto his skin while carrying a tray of organs to Doctor Saroyan. It burned and the tray was dropped. There was nothing for him to rinse off his hands with but the food court was just across from him, and you were on your lunch break. If his shouts of pain weren't enough to get you to turn around, then the force of him grabbing and pleading for help was. You shoved him into the woman's bathroom to help him. Vincent deemed that he was "forever grateful" as you both exited the bathroom, looking disheveled, out of breath, and pink in the face. Camille's look of question and agape mouth only got the both of you fumbling to explain yourselves.

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