09. First Kiss

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Seeley Booth:

You hadn't come home from your most recent hostage rescue operation and when Seeley found out, he began to worry. He tried to contact your director to find out where your team was but couldn't get the access to because he wasn't a part of the division and you'd requested to keep him out of the loop due to what happened last time. They only did to reassure him that, if your troop stuck to protocol, you'd all be fine. He was frustrated that he couldn't do anything but remind himself that you were a capable woman. The agent remained at your base in Virginia to await your arrival. Your team didn't come in until three in the morning and that's where you found Seeley sitting on the bench, waiting. He looked up as soon as you walked in and rushed up to you, asking whether you were alright, why it had taken so long, and if you needed anything. You'd begun to tell him that you were fine but he'd already cut you off with a deep kiss.


Jack Hodgins:

You'd gone out on a stroll through the garden by yourself to get some fresh air but it didn't take long for Jack to approach you. Overtime, it had become your spot together. He'd pointed out the rain clouds above as he reached your side and, just as he'd said, the dark skies had begun to pour as if under his command. Despite it, you'd still wanted to stay outside because you hadn't done this since you left the comfort of your childhood. Getting drenched, both of you walked around in growing puddles and fooled around in them. You tilted your head up to the sky and opened your mouth to the drops when Jack said, "You have no idea how much I want to kiss you, right now." At first, you didn't know if you'd heard him right but, just as you looked back down at Jack, he rushed up to you, pulled his hands from his pockets to cup your face, and kissed you roughly but lovingly in the rain.


Lance Sweets:

You'd just gotten off of work after a late night shift and stood outside of the nightclub, trying to hail a cab as fast as you could. Being out in the dark so late hit an aching spot at the bottom of your stomach so, the sooner you were in a car, the better. The taxi pulled up and you got in but, just as you went to close the door, someone blocked it to keep you from shutting it. Scooting as far away as you could from the ajar door, you quickly recognized Lance as he plopped himself into the seat beside you; he was panting heavily as he tried to fix his eyes onto yours. "Lance, what are you doing here?" He didn't even reply, just pulled you into a rushed kiss. When you pulled back and looked at him for an explanation, Lance shut the cab door and told you that he'd never take you for granted. You realized that it must have had something to do with a case he was working on and hugged him tightly as the driver drove.


James Aubrey:

The fact that you and James were chasing a suspect through the backyards of a neighborhood made the build-up to the kiss all the more intense. You'd just jumped over a fence as he went around the house to cut off the runner but James appeared just in time to watch you tackle a man into a swimming pool. Seeley and the rest of the agents arrived to take the suspect into custody as James approached to help you out, telling you how awesome you'd looked just moments before. Like some superhero or vigilante. Batman. Rolling your eyes, you'd reached for his hand and, as he pulled, you yanked back and your partner toppled into the surface of the water with a big crash. When he submerged again, spitting out water and trying to get ahold of you for revenge, you took his tie in your hands and pulled him in for a kiss. That shut James right up and, in the future, whenever you're by a pool, you'll exchange knowing glances.


Zack Addy:

Your relationship had been developing slowly, but that wasn't because either of you wanted it to be like that. Zack was always so busy that you barely got to see him for a mere ten minutes at a time to just enjoy his presence. Murders couldn't wait; there really was no rest for the wicked. You wanted your kiss with him to be perfect and sweet, not rushed because he had to go off to identify a corpse or reconstruct a skull. It was a Sunday and he was free of work. You were two months into the relationship and still hadn't kissed but had promised one another that today was the day. It was circled on the calendar. You both spent the entire afternoon together to get yourselves in the mood, going out for snacks and talks, and then you went back to your house for dinner and a documentary. As it ended, you both started to fall asleep but Zack whispered your name and, as you sleepily turned to him, kissed you softly.


Wendell Bray:

Wendell was lying on the couch after a tough day, eyes closed, but he was telling you about one of his first and favorite cases. You liked to hear about his old work, how proud he normally got, but you also liked how tired out he looked. It was rugged and hot, in a way. Leaving the kitchen counter, you knelt down onto the floor to get to the level of his head resting on the armrest. You called out his name softly, earning a tired, "Yeah?" in return and Wendell opened his eyes to look at you, a look that instantly turned curious. You asked him if he remembered the Spider-Man kiss and a smile gradually grew on his face. He scooted further up and slowly dropped his head down so you could get a hold of his face to kiss him. It was cheesy and silly and, when you pulled back, you both began to laugh. He after that, Wendell turned over and took your chin to kiss you again, properly this time.


Vincent Nigel-Murray:

Everyone had gone home for the night, but you and Vincent remained because he wanted to impress Dr. Brennan by finding the last critical clue to solve the murder. You, on the other hand had samples of toxins to separate and identify. In other words, you and Vincent were going to be workaholic insomniacs together. When morning came, you had just a small batch of poisons left to tamper with and didn't want to contaminate it so you went to Vincent, who spouted just the right fact to help. In your drained state, you couldn't have loved him any more than you did and rushed up to the man to kiss him with a newfound surge of energy and happiness. That had awoken Vincent and he slowly informed you that he had found what he was looking for, deeming that it was the perfect reason for another victory kiss. Camille walked up to the platform to find you two and asked that you break it up. It had still been a good first kiss.

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