15. Watching a Horror Film

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Seeley Booth:

Seeley was a fan of getting into the seasonal mood; he enjoyed the festivities. So, when you'd called him to say that you had nothing to do, he'd driven over with a handful of new slasher movies. Immediately, you'd rummaged your cupboards for food while he rung up a take-out restaurant for an actual meal before he popped in the first disk. During the movie, you'd held onto one another for a comfortable position and played the film. Together, you ridiculed the characters for their actions and quickly shouted at them to, 'Run, run, God damn it!" or to say "No! Don't do it. No, stop!" and Seeley's favorite, "Stupid! What are you doing? Get the hell out of there!" When the delivery boy came, you'd been the one to answer the door; he'd given a quizzical look past your shoulder at Seeley but you only smiled and said, "Movie night." before shutting the door and rejoining him.


Jack Hodgins:  

You'd wanted to put on a scary movie for your students but knew it was best to watch it at home beforehand. Over at Jack's, he'd looked at the box and given you an 'are you serious' face, shaking his head. In his line of work, he liked to say that he'd seen it all. Creepy crawlies and psychopaths included. You'd told him that it'd be fun so you'd ended up huddled in his bed for the movie. You could tell that Jack thought it was stupid, mostly because he was scolding the characters for doing the dumbest of things to get killed and continuously laughing at them when they did die. After it was over, you'd shut it off for bedtime but the room grew terrifyingly dark and Jack made a small squealing sound. You'd whispered his name softly after a couple of seconds and, after he replied, you found where his face was and screamed. He'd shouted in return and was angry after you burst out laughing.


Lance Sweets:

"I'm not scared." Once the film was on, it'd been easy as hell for you to prove Lance wrong. "Sweetie, you're scared," you'd once leaned close to say it during a quiet and suspenseful scene but he'd only denied it again and again. If only his friends could see him now. Lance had hugged tightly onto a pillow, ready to duck behind it if he saw something much too graphic for his eyes. There had been moments where he'd flinched too hard and looked just about ready to quit, but you'd heard him coaxing himself to continue watching by saying, "You can do this, man, it's not real," under his breath. About less than halfway through the movie, you'd taken the pillow and moved into him, taking his arm to wrap around your shoulder. After that, it'd been easier for Lance to relax, knowing that you were there with him. When it was over, it'd be a while before he would agree to watch other horror films.


James Aubrey:

A new, scary, slasher movie had come out in time for the Halloween celebrations and both you and James wanted to go watch it. You'd bought snacks and drinks for comfort food and to munch on during the dumb waiting commercials; it seemed that the pair of you were set. James believed it to be a great experience for romance so that you could cuddle up with him if you got scared. You knew about his plan and teased him about how he would be the chicken one and that he would be coming to you for comfort. That was before the movie had come on and, well, fifteen minutes in, you were both trying to not jump in your seats but you both refused to hold onto each other. It was another thirty minutes into the film that you and James were holding onto one another, but neither of you realized it. At the end of it, you had a tiny argument about who had turned chicken before the other.


Zack Addy:

It wasn't just you and Zack watching this movie. The Jeffersonian had held a film night to raise money for a department and his friends had convinced him to invite you along for the occasion. All of you had sat together and talked to pass time. When the movie did come on, it turned out to be The Shining. He wasn't a fan of the film, knowing that it made his palms sweat, but Zack nonetheless watched the screen intently. He would jump a little at the small scares but didn't say much unless it was to pass the popcorn. From where you sat next to him, you'd sighed at the lack of interaction between you two. It took a second to think, but you then clung to him. It took him a while to figure out what you were doing but he finally got the idea and held you in return. It was romantic, after that, and if either of you got scared, you were scared together.


Wendell Bray:

It was a day off and you had wanted to do Halloween shopping but Wendell was exhausted; his boss had come back from Malaku and he'd gotten his internship back, but was still working at the auto shop for extra cash. A trip to the movie theater was needed and that's where you'd gone, to watch any movie that appeared decent. There was a large variety but a poster for a horror film had caught your eye and you'd taken him to the ticket booth. Snacks had been next, but mainly you got yourselves large popcorn buckets. During the movie, you'd held each other's hands to squeeze if either of you were caught off guard. You were fine for the majority of it but, when it hit the climax, there was a massive jump scare and your popcorn bucket had flown to the side. It had landed against Wendell, kernels flying in his face and leaving a mess. Someday, you were going to look back and laugh at it.


Vincent Nigel-Murray:

Vincent's movie statistics were going to be the death of you because you could barely win a bet against him. While watching horror movies, you and Vincent liked to wager snacks on who died first, who the killer would be, or something else along those lines. You had only the experience of other movies to go on while your boyfriend had actual data on the matter. As unfair at it was, this time around, you were on a winning streak; you had most of his snacks and he had to continuously get up from the couch to get more from the kitchen. You weren't a horrible person, though. In the end, when he had run out of sweets and sours to bet on, you'd given him your share. Well, after getting some little payments in return. Vincent never complained; he liked giving you quick kisses in between scenes. Whether it was appropriate while watching horror movies, that was another matter.

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