13. His First Time Saying "I Love You"

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Seeley Booth:

You'd gotten into an argument with Seeley. He'd been fretting about you getting in the line of danger during rescue missions but you blew it off like it was nothing. You argued that you were a trained professional and have been put in worse situations, but Seeley wasn't having it. He had good intentions but it was frustrating. Both your voices had risen too much during the argument and you had tried to calm him but he only said, "[Y/N], this isn't Afghanistan. I'm not out there with you and if anything were to happen, I'd blame myself for not being there. I love you. [Y/N], I love you. You can't keep risking your life when there are safer ways to get the job done." There isn't a day when either of you go to work without telling one another you love each other. It wasn't the happiest thought, but any day could be the last and you wouldn't risk not telling Seeley you loved him.


Jack Hodgins:

It was your birthday and you were at work, with class beginning. You'd just started a lecture when Jack's head popped up at the door window; his face was pressed up against the glass and his hands were cupped by the sides of his eyes to get a better look inside. It distracted you and a student had to snap you back into place. You tried to wave Jack away so you could get back to your lesson but he began to knock loudly. Some of your students crowed at you to open the door and you finally did. The man rushed in, held up a bag and said, "I brought breakfast." You pointed out that it was almost lunchtime and he cut you off, saying, "I know. I couldn't get here in time. Here, have breakfast." Jack went up to you, put the meal bag into your hands, kissed you in front of your entire class and told you 'happy birthday' and that he loved you before rushing out to get back to the Jeffersonian.


Lance Sweets:

Stay-in movie nights with Lance took place at his home. The two of you would gather up blankets and pillows to set up makeshift beds in front of the TV, to watch and fall asleep together to your favorite films. It was comforting to be near him and many of his friends had been asking when you'd be moving in together. One night, he ran a marathon of Star Wars but you were falling asleep because it was warm, dark, and comfortable. You curled up in his arms and began to fall victim to the night, your head rested on his chest. Lance, believing it was the right time, leaned over and whispered his first "I love you" to you. He smiled proudly to himself but didn't get an answer immediately and sighed, leaving him to return his attention to the movie. You had heard him but had barely caught it in your daze. Still, you moved to pull yourself closer to him and murmured, "I know."


James Aubrey:

James had never been in a committed relationship, so it was a big milestone for him. He worried about when the right time it was to tell you, how he should tell you, or whether he should tell you at all, and then he'd start to worry about the thought of rejection and it left him in a funk. You noticed his mood one day and nonchalantly asked about it. James took a heavy sigh and, slowly and unsurely, said, "Have you ever felt something about someone where you don't know exactly what it is you're feeling and it makes you anxious and scared and confused? But at the same time... you know just how much you can't live without it?" You crossed your arms and asked him what he was talking about. James took a gulp and almost backed down but he mustered his last ounce of courage, put his hands on your shoulders, met your gaze, and told you just how much he loved you.


Zack Addy:

Some nights Zack wouldn't go back to Hodgins' place and instead slept at yours. When you woke up one night, you caught a glimpse of Zack still awake but brushed it off and tried to fall back asleep. Only, moments later, the springs in the bed creaked and the mattress shifted as he moved around. This went on for a while and, after five long minutes of the continuous dipping movement, you were wide awake. Matching his position, you rolled onto your back but kept your eyes closed and listened to the stuffy silence. "I know you're awake," Zack said. After a moment, you both turned to look at one another and you asked him what was on his mind. He told you that he had to tell you something but he was afraid to say it. You'd reassured Zack it was okay and waited with bated breath. "I'm not sure if this is the right time to tell you, but I've
come up with all the arguments to convince me that it is. I love you, [Y/N]."


Wendell Bray:

You didn't want to sleep, not when your crew had requested time off for the holidays and not when there was still so much paper work and maintenance to get to. Everything weighed heavily on your shoulders. Wendell once had to call in when someone informed him that the auto shop's lights were still on. "[Y/N], are you still at the shop?" After you answered, he said he'd come to get you because it was already past midnight. When he got there, you were still working and refused to leave, even when he pulled you away. "[Y/N]," he said, his arms crossed as he watched you, "if I tell you something really nice, will you let me take you home?" After a few seconds, that stopped you and you asked him what it was. Wendell approached you, smiled softly, and wrapped his arms around you. He pressed his lips to the side of your head and murmured into your hair, "I love you."


Vincent Nigel-Murray:

Vincent was under a lot of stress and you had no idea why but he was losing it and the moment that Dr. Brennan began to criticize him, was the moment it got worse. She'd never sugarcoated but you often wished Vincent could get a break. You knew how to calm him, though, and began to list a few interesting tidbits about relationships. He'd looked to you, wobbled smile, and said, "Did you know that 'love at first sight', as we know it, can happen as quickly as in one-fifth of a second?" His twitchy hands had settled and you watched him gain control over his work. "A study showed that the release of dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline, and other hormones associated with love happen just zero-point-two seconds after initial visual contact. And I love you." Vincent had added it so quickly and unexpectedly that you almost looked over it as a part of the fact. To him, it was a fact.

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