Start/Background (please read)

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Heyy!! Welcome! ...or something...

For far too long I have been struggling with finding fanfics that are just perfect for me and that everything is how I've pictured things. And obviously that is not the case, because no one is adding me to the stories or writing about Neri who is just like me. Obviously :)

And when I found out about reality shifting (if you're not familiar with it (and want to be), do your own research, I'm horrible at explaining things ;-; ) I was even more eager to find those perfect fanfics. And because I'm an idiot, it never came to mind that I myself am a freaking writer!?!  I can write my own fanfics! Sooo... This is my first fanfic, and I'm really sorry if I suck, but I want to be optimistic, because I have experience with countless fanfics and writing fiction, so I'll do my best!

And even though this is a fanfic about "me" in it, I hope you can enjoy it too🥺 And my goal is to keep everything as canon as I can :) And of course you are welcome to read this as mha x Neri with InteractiveFics or something :))

If you, a beautiful person, read this far, I am grateful <3  I was born to write (something at least), but unfortunately was blessed with a horrible insecurity (so pls be nice :)) ) I would never be able to express my gratitude if someone were to even open this *crying bc of my sensitive, imaginative ass*

I'm sorry!! I, too, hate these long intros but thank you if you read it :)

---Chapters coming when I have written them :D


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