Chapter 6 - Hard to breathe

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I put my foot on the obstacle and started walking as fast as I dared. The path was just a little wider than my shoe.

I walked a little further. I didn't want to risk my balance and look behind me, but from the slightly tight rope around my wrist, I could feel that Todoroki was following without an issue.

The path was only about five meters long, if my eyes weren't totally wrong. But it sure as hell felt like an eternity. My heart was still racing, my belly aching. I hated this and wanted to go home but still I felt the need to show everyone that I could do this. I was totally excluding the fact that this was a pair exercise. And that I was apparently on my period.

My steps were starting to get careless when we arrived to the second obstacle.

"Let's go. I'll go first again."

The obstacle demanded us to use both our legs and hands and one of us had to cross it going backwards because the rope between us was in different hands.

I was already placing my feet on the obstacle when Todoroki cut in.

"Rosen", my eyes shot up to his the second I heard him say my name. "Calm down. You're going too carelessly."

"But we have to go--"

"I know, let me go first." He sighed.

"Fine", I didn't want to start a quarrel in any way. And I was bad at saying 'no' anyways.

I let him take my place, watching him go down on all fours. I did the same when he moved enough to make me space to get on the obstacle. He was crawling backwards and I followed right way around.

My stupid eyes tried to constantly creep into his. I was mentally slapping myself all the time. I was also careful about our hands. Especially our tied hands were in danger of touching, because we had to move them at the same pace and it was pretty hard. For me at least.

I mean of course I wouldn't mind touching him. I just knew that he didn't want to touch me unnecessarily. And maybe he would freak out if I got too comfortable. I wanted to respect him.

Soon Todoroki already had his feet on the next platform. He rose up and I tried to too, before I saw his outstretched hand before my eyes. I grabbed it, pulling myself up and then already headed to the next obstacle.

Just then did it hit me. I had taken Todoroki's hand. It had been the one that my left one was tied to. It had been soft, but someway strong. It felt much stronger than mine. It made me feel both weaker and stronger. I tried to ignore the slight blush on my cheeks.

The next obstacle was a row of red balls we had to jump trough. And they were so far away from each other that we almost had to actually jump to get to the next one. Or who was I kidding? Todoroki had much longer legs so he probably didn't have any problem.

"Um", I started hesitantly, "I think I have to actually jump those. How can we both get trough?" I sighed. Every second we spend talking, made our time a second longer.

Todoroki just observed the obstacle with cold eyes. "I could carry you on my back. I don't have to jump."

I was certain my face was suddenly looking like a tomato. We would have to be so close each other. Feeling his muscular body, my arms around him, my legs...

I shook my head. "No. No. Absolutely not." I ended up saying it aloud.

"Is something wrong?" Todoroki asked frowning.

My whole body felt like a sweating mess. "Um, no." I couldn't find anything to explain myself with. "Just... You go first", I shoved him towards the red balls.

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