Chapter 22 - Hellish hell

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When we were done eating, they told us we had a hot spring bath waiting for us. At that point I was going to explode from gratitude and all the food I had eaten. I took my clothes off. We wrapped our towels on and found our way outside.

The bath yard was a decent sized fenced off space with greenery and steam rising from the water. Stars shone above us in the sky and, and unfortunately, we could hear the boys on the other side of the high wooden fence.

I almost jumped into the water. It felt so good, so hot and so relaxing. Tsuyu smiled. "It's sooo warm, kero."

"Yes it is..." Mina sighed.

Even though I enjoyed the water, I felt a little awkward. I hadn't really bathed with friends before. Of course I had been to public baths and visited hot springs but those were usually with Mom. I let the water cover me down from my neck.

For the first minute or two we were just quiet, our sighs the only conversation we needed. But apparently Kyoka grew tired of the sounds we could still hear from the other side of the wall. "How do they still have energy?" she complained.

"Yeah! Could they be a little more louder so that we could stop hearing our thoughts as well", I agreed.

They laughed. "Maybe we should just yell louder", Mina suggested and we laughed some more. It felt so good to laugh after a long day.

"Hey! Let's play a game!" Toru said. "We're in a summer camp after all."

"It's still a training camp," Momo reminded.

"Yeah, but Toru-chan has a point", Mina said.

"Well then, what should we play?"

"Pin Pon Pan?" Ochako suggested. 

"Or 'Most likely to'!!" 

I would have preferred Pin Pon Pan, but Mina declared it 'not spicy enough'.

"Okay", Tory seconded, "let's play 'Most likely to'."

We gathered in a circle. We decided that Kyoka was to start. "Who is most likely to..." She thought for a moment, "forget to text back." She looked at me and so did everyone else pointing their fingers at me. 

"Ouch", I laughed. "Fair enough."

"You're so often on your phone. How is it even possible?" Toru asked, half jokingly.

I tried to make an innocent face. "I... forget."

They laughed. It was now my turn. "Who is most likely to... survive in a zombie apocalypse?"

I pointed at Momo. A few bet on Tsu, weirdly enough Momo pointed at me, but Momo was declared the winner with four votes. 

We continued, but after awhile the questions started to become more uncomfortable. "Who is most likely to have a crush on someone in our class?" Mina asked.

I grew real quiet. Fingers were pointed, not with such enthusiasm, but everyone was watching me. Shit. Did they know something? I haven't told anyone and it was stupid anyway.



"Who are you choosing?"

Oh. Stupid me. I panicked and pointed at Ochako on my left because I didn't want to look anyone in the eyes. I eyed the results. Ochako had three votes, I had two and Toru and Kyoka one. 

"Oi, why do I have so many?" I asked.

"Yeahh... And why me?" Ochako looked awkward. 

"No reason! This is just a game", Mina said, but winked to us anyway. 

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