Chapter 31 - Moving into dorms...

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"I am glad to got to see the whole class together here today", Aizawa-sensei said. He pointed behind him. "This is your dormitory and all your stuff should be there. But before you enter I wish to address a few things."

We were all gathered in front of our new home. Our class' dormitory was a beautiful five floor building with much space around and a humane walk to the school's main building. It read "1-A ALLIANCE". I think it was really cool. We actually had a whole house to ourselves.

"First, you have provisional license exams coming up, and our main goal at the start of this semester is to focus on that. So I hope you haven't been slacking for the last few weeks."

I stood behind everyone. I felt a little weird. Everyone had acted like normal, like nothing had happened, like nothing was wrong. I was actually grateful for it but it made me feel really suspicious. They had said hi to me, but not the way I had thought they'd greet someone who was kidnapped by villains and then totally snapped at the hospital and ghosted them for a few weeks. 

So, here I stood, no one next to me, Sero and Kirishima were in front of me. Only Katsuki shared the back row of the group with me, but I was on the other side, as far from him as possible. 

"And there's something else", Aizawa-sensei's eyes scanned through the class. It didn't land specifically on me so I released a breath. Good, I didn't want to be talked about. "Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida. They wen't to save Rosen and Bagugou."

Now my cheeks grew red. Of course he was going to mention something about the incident, and me naturally with it. 

I heard a few desperate sighs and "what?"s. I was still mad at them myself, so I didn't mind a few other people disapproving their actions. 

"From your reactions I can tell that all of you were at least aware of it," Aizawa-sensei sighed. 

I kept my eyes on the green grass under my feet, but I was surprised by his words. They all knew? Why didn't they stop them?

I glanced quickly at Katsuki just to see him  whip his head in the other direction from my eyes. I sighed. At least we agreed on the fact that we didn't want to be rescued by them that night. 

"I'm going to be honest, if certain things hadn't happened you would all be expelled, except for Rosen, Bakugou, Hagakure and Jiro, of course."

That one shocked me enough that I looked up. I could see Aizawa's face between Sero and Kirishima's shoulders. His expression was serious. Kirishima shifted in his feet.

"There was a trust that you all betrayed, by not telling about this, and for the five for actually going. So I am asking you all to follow the necessary rules and regulations to regain that trust."

Everyone was quiet.

"That's all." Aizawa-sensei turned his back and started walking to the door of the dormitory. "Now, let's have a look inside."

We all followed quietly.

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Aizawa-sensei showed us around the first floor where the common rooms were. There was a really nice kitchen, large areas with sofas and carpets for hanging out. Boys and girls had separate bathing rooms ad showers with laundry rooms. The bedrooms started from the second floor. 

Mine was on the fifth. Momo and Tsu were on the same floor with me, on the girls' side. Boys had their own elevator up. There was four rooms on our hallway. The window let in nature's bright light and I admired the smell of a freshly built house. How long did it take to make all of these?

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