Chapter 18 - Party time

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I showed my ticket to a machine and it opened the doors to an elevator which then took me up to the second door. 

"Where is everyone?" I asked as the only ones I saw in the lobby were Iida, Kaminari and Todoroki. 

"Oi, Rosen!" Kaminari waved his hand. 

"Hey, Kaminari." I looked around the large lobby. "Am I early?"

"No", Iida said strictly, "You are right on time. Everyone else is simply late."


I nodded a greeting to Todoroki. Gosh, I was so weak for boys in suits. Kaminari had a neat suit with a vest and Iida looked exactly like someone representing a hero family should look like. 

Todoroki had a white suit. A red tie and blue shirt underneath. He kept his hands in his pockets and I could've fallen to my knees right there and then. I turned around and looked at everything else but him.

We waited many minutes, the only sound Iida's nervous tapping of his shoe. Then we had Izuku join us, Ochako right behind him. "Ochako-chan", I looked at her spellbound. "You look so cute!!" Her pink dress looked like cotton candy. 

"No, no, this is just-" she giggled.

Now Momo and Kyoka came in, also wearing pretty dresses. I wanted them! The long, green one Momo was wearing was clearly high quality, and Kyoka looked like a teenage rockstar in her pink and purple dress equipped with a black jacket. "Aww, you're all so pretty!" I jumped up and down.

"Your outfit is beautiful as well, Neri-san", Momo complimented and I blushed.


"We just borrowed these from Yao-Momo", Kyoka explained.

"Hey, guys, what are you still doing here? The party is starting, we have to go", Melissa came in out of breath. 

"Has someone heard from Katsuki and Kirishima?" I asked. No one had an answer to give me.

"I'll try calling them", Iida took his phone out, but neither of them responded. I guess they weren't coming then..

Suddenly there was a loud sound and everywhere around us an announcement could be heard saying they had found explosives on the island and that everyone should return inside.

"What's happening?"

The windows were shut by armored doors. "This shouldn't happen just because they found a bomb somewhere", Melissa though out loud. 

"The elevators aren't working", Kyoka informed.

"And there's no connection", Todoroki stated, putting his phone back to his pocket.  

"I wonder what's going on", Momo said into her hand. 

"Iida, let's go to where the party is being held. All Might is there."

"Yeah! My mother should be there too. But All Might is here as well?" I never remembered mom saying that.

"Melissa-san, can you get us to the party?" Izuku asked. 

If we could just get there they could surely tell us what happened.

Melissa agreed and we all packed into the emergency stairs. We climbed one storey up and Melissa told that there was a glass window in the room of the party and it was the easiest route, since all the doors were locked up. 

I insisted on accompanying Izuku and Kyoka. I just had to make sure mom was alright.

But when we arrived to the window, I let out a cry and squatted down. All the quests were on their knees surrounded by people dressed in black, who had guns. Big guns. All might was almost directly under the skylight, tied with some mechanical strip, unable to move. Izuku flashed his phone as a signal, but I hardly noticed. I couldn't see mom, not even someone who slightly resembled her. I couldn't see the whole hall, so she could be totally fine. But not knowing had my heart stuck to my throat. 

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