Chapter 30 - Contact

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The police had let me finally leave the house, accompanied by mom, but still. We had taken a few short walks around the block. I was now feeling better. So much better that I was even nervous and excited about school starting soon.

I still hadn't touched my phone, so my social relationships consisted of my mother and an e-mail from the police that mom had showed me. But today she insisted we visit the Bakugous.

I wasn't so sure about it. I didn't want to see Katsuki. Mitsuki and Masaru, yes, but not Katsuki. Facing him felt like facing everything we had been through. But on the other hand I couldn't stay away for much longer. Once school started we would be basically living together, and aside from that, I really wanted to see if he was okay.

So, now I was sitting in the car next to mom. We could've walked, the distance wasn't long, but it was scorching hot out there and the air conditioned car was the more humane option.

She parked next to Masaru's car in front of the house. The plan was just to have tea with them, but I was still weirdly nervous as I stepped out of the car.

Mom didn't bother to knock after she found out the door wasn't locked. "Hello!" she greeted. Soon Mitsuki popped her head behind the corner. "Come in!" and she disappeared again. We took our shoes off and made our way into the house.

When I found my way into the kitchen, Mitsuki was carrying a cherry pie to the table, Katsuki was putting down glasses and Masaru gave me a half hug with oven mitts on. "Hey, Neri. Nice to see you."

"You too," I smiled as he let me go. He took off the mitts, took a glass from the table, getting an angry stare from Katsuki, who had just put it into place, and then he filled it with water and gave it to me. "Thanks."

Once Mitsuki had the pie off her hands she came to give me a hug as well. I tried to hold the glass without spilling, but soon put it down to wrap both my hands around her. She squeezed me just a bit too tightly.

She pulled away. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. Though it's way too hot outside."

Mitsuki laughed. "It sure is. Come, I made lemonade and iced tea."

We all sat down and filled our glasses. It was rare for us to sit like this at a nice table. I guess the last time was when me and Katsuki graduated middle school.

Mom sliced the pie and gave us all a piece. 

"What have you been up to?" Masaru asked. "Any summer break plans?"

"I'm actually also having a break," mom put in. I was pretty sure the break was because of me.

"Oh, well then, sorry to ask but, how's work, Osenia-san?"

Mom started explaining about work related stuff, she asked the same from him and then Mitsuki. They talked about everything else but the incident recently.

Soon, I got tired and told them I was going to the bathroom. I got up and headed to the one upstairs so that I could have an even longer break. It was right between Mitsuki and Masaru's room and Katsuki's.

But once I got out of the bathroom, I saw, from the corner of my eye, Katsuki sitting in his room.

"Where's your phone," he said his first words directly to me.

"Um, home." I still hadn't opened it, but it was now on my nightstand. I was planning on looking through it before school started, but right now I felt like it would just ruin my well-being.

"Turn it on, will you. Those extras have even found my number. You're not even answering me. Tch."

"You always say you don't want my texts."

"Well yeah, but now I'm being harassed because of you!"

I let out a little laugh. "Hah! Who's even trying to get in touch with me?"

He pulled his phone out of his pocket. He was careful when tapping his password so I wouldn't see a thing. He then flipped it around and I looked closer to his recent unread messages. Only a few numbers had been saved on his phone with a name, and most were just rows of numbers. But the profile pictures with familiar faces, I could recognize. There was Izuku, I saw Momo as the most recent one, but once I scrolled down I could see the rest of the girls as well. Even Kirishima had texted Katsuki something about me. Iida, Kaminari and Koda, too. Koda... He must've felt guilty, being unconscious and hearing everything that had happened when he woke up.

Where had they all gotten his number? Was it Izuku, or Kirishima? I didn't think he'd let that many people know his phone number.

I quickly looked through the messages, because Katsuki didn't even let me hold his phone. "You can tell them I'm fine."

"Like hell I am. You can do that all by yourself."

"Why do I-"

"You have already caused me enough trouble," Katsuki waved the phone in my face.

"You would be bloody dead if I wasn't there to protect you!" I started to lose my temper.

"What do you mean by that?!"

"You're careless and stupid and you are simply incapable of teamwork, and that's why everyone hates you!"

"Says a crybaby like you!" he spat back. "I'm better than you in everything!"

"You can't even lie! Or keep your mouth shut, even if your life depended on it!"

"Again, are you sure you're not talking about yourself?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I spat out the words and took a step closer to the bed he was now sitting on.

"All you did was babble with the villains! I had it under control!"

"Suuure, you did!"

"Well, actually, I did."

"If I hadn't stalled for time they could have soon started using more radical methods. Like torture! Either one of us. And if they would've touched you I would've done anything they asked!"

"And that's what makes you weak!"

"What would you know, you don't have a little brother to take care of! You don't know how I feel!"

"Well, I'm not your little brother and I don't need you to take care of me!"

"Well, you're the closest thing!"

"You're just 12 days older, nerd!"

"Exactly! Why don't you call me neesan?"

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you too!" I yelled with my last breath and left the room. 

I almost ran down the stairs and returned to my seat like nothing had happened. 

- - -

I had a two page long list of things I needed to pack with me. I needed literally everything, right? My bed would probably take up too much space, and I could only take half of my bookshelves. Oh, all the books I would have to leave behind. But I had decided to take my playstation and my TV with me. They would have to fit in somehow. The problem really was that I didn't know how large or small our rooms were going to be.

It was only three days until the new semester would start and I was getting nervous. I had accepted my loss and texted my classmates by myself. I had, with a few words, explained that I was fine and that I didn't want to talk about it. I had also been added to a group chat named Class 1-A. I didn't bother to read through the 236 messages I had received through it. And my friends weren't even my biggest problem. 

I was pretty sure I would have to find a tutor or something. I hadn't really struggled last semester with school work, but I was doubting it would get any easier. 

I had kinda secretly hoped to be able to go to see fireworks this summer break now that I had friends that could actually want to go with me

Things hadn't gone as planned. 

Well, I guess we need summer breaks like this at least once in a lifetime. Right?

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