Chapter 25 - Kids-napped

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Trees cracked, making way to the huge beast running towards us. I readied myself for the impact, but when it finally emerged, I realized it was a familiar creature. And it attacked the body bag villain before even looking at us.

It was Tokoyami. And some messed up Dark shadow.

Behind them, Shoji, who was carrying Izuku yelled, "Todoroki, Bakugo! Use your quirks to make light!!"

I was too in shock to do anything. My eyes went from Todoroki and Katsuki to Tokoyami fighting the villain to Shoji and Izuku, who both seemed wounded. My attention snapped back after a while when the darkness was lit by fire and explosions, and Dark shadow calmed down. The villain had been smashed to bits. Todoroki helped Tokoyami up.

"I'm so sorry, Shoji, Midoriya", Tokoyami apologized. "I just, I got so mad at the villain, and- and then I let-"

"Don't worry about it. We're all safe after all, because of you", Shoji said and Tokoyami smiled.

I felt bad for interrupting them but I didn't like my friends risking their lives."What are you doing here?" I asked them.. "And you", I pointed to Izuku, "You were with Mandalay a few minutes ago. Why did you come here?!" That self-sacrificing idiot couldn't help himself, could he?

"Is Kacchan alright?"

"Did you lose your eyes?" Katsuki spat.

"Hey! Don't be an ass", I warned.

"We need to keep Bakugo safe", Shoji said.

I agreed.

"We should find a safe way to the camp, where the senseis are and keep Bokugo out of the villains' reach", Todoroki said. "If there are villains in the opening where Midoriya came from, we just have to take the shortest route through the woods."

I agreed again and the others nodded.

"I'll be the anchor", Shoji said. I nodded. It was a good idea, he could be our radar.

"I'll take the right side", Tokoyami announced and we all settled around Katsuki. He was just quiet and looked dumbfoundedly confused.

Shoji volunteered to carry Koda, which I was grateful for. Todoroki still had someone from B-class on his back and Tokoyami helped Izuku to walk. 

We started walking and Todoroki instructed Katsuki to stay in the middle.

"Don't tell me what to do, extras!!"

We were all quiet and focused on our environment.

"Tch." But he obeyed and stayed inside our little protection circle.

After that we wandered silent until I just had to ask, "Izuku, what happened to you?"

"I went to save Kota-kun.. and there was a villain.."

"Oh for fucks sake", I sighed. "So now your arms are completely smashed again."

I heard no answer. "Didn't you tell me about the fractures and what they could cause? Huh?"

"Neri, it's not as bad as it seems."

"But it's still bad", I turned around and looked at him with the most worried face I could muster.

"Rosen, now's not the time", Shoji interrupted.

"I know, I know."

"We need to stay calm", Todoroki reminded us all.

Izuku scratched his neck and I started walking again.

I stayed near Katsuki now. I wanted to keep an eye on him. Who ever knew what he was up to.

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