Chapter 2

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Sorry for the long wait. I had finals last week and had to finish up some stuff so I could graduate early. I started a new job this week on Monday and have been training and working the night shift. And I had my wisdom teeth removed today. But that is no excuse! So, to make it up, I will be attempting to update as many chapters as I can today. 


Fred, George and I neared Gringotts, the tall almost castle like structure dousing us in shadows. Above the entryway, the Gringotts Seal small and disconcerting just below the sign.

Fortius Quo Fidelius "Strength through loyalty"

A message that seems honest and genuine but upon approaching the door become sinister. Just beyond the main doors, when all hope seems given and chance of friendship near a message presents itself carved into the silver doors.

Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So, if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there.

A warning, that should you attempt to steal from these ancient and great halls, be prepared for the horrors you will face as a lone goblin when met with a thief is danger, but their strength together is suicide. 

"It's a challenge." I muttered as Fred and George stopped to read the door, as they do almost every time they come. 

One of the goblins standing guard at the silver doors barked a laugh, "Do you wish to challenge?" 

I smirked back, "Not today." causing them smirk in return, "I have strict business with Chief Ragnok.". The twins spun around wide eyed, simultaneously tripping over each other's feet.

"Chief Ragnok?!" They shouted mutely. Me and the guards laughed as the clambered to get up, following me inside. 

Bypassing the may desks, we followed the hall down to the family account managers offices. As we walked doors with names like Abbott, Crouch, Nott, Fawley passed us as we made our way deeper, bypassing the sacred 28 into the names of old. Finally, we began seen black doors with silver nameplates reading Malfoy, Gaunt, and finally Potter-Black.

Knocking on the door, I heard Ragnok call me in and nodded from the boys to follow me inside. leading the boys inside we moved to the chairs. The twins sat down first, George pulling me into his lap so I would be directly across from Ragnok. 

Ragnok looked up from his tea at our seating arrangement and smirked before sliding his tea across his desk. "I can assume Lady Potter-Black that you are here in regard to your brother's re-entry into the wizarding world and his withdrawal from your accounts.".

"Indeed, our parents had separate trust funds set up for us when we were born, correct?" I questioned, leaning back into George's chest. 

He nodded slowly, reaching into his filing cabinet to pullout the Potter Family Files, "Yes, I believe they create two trust vaults, one for each of you on the day of your birth. As Lady Potter, you obviously have full familial rights to do with them and the main vaults as you wish. Let's see, Harry's vault currently has 319,995 galleons when converting sickles and knuts to galleons. Your accounts, family and trust come to a combined, 421,686,753 galleons."

I could feel George stiffen behind me, Fred's hand tightening in my grip, "Four... hundred million..." George muttered.

"I want you to remove Harry as Heir Potter and close his assess to the main accounts. I don't quite want him disowned as I don't want him left nameless or rise suspicion with Dumbledore, but I refuse to have him in my family or waste my family's money on his useless endeavors." I exclaimed, watching Ragnok's smirk grow in amusement.

"Cass, are you sure about this? We know you don't like your brother but, are you sure you want to completely disown him?" Fred questioned, drawing my attention to his hand. His thumb ran against the back of my hand, brushing against my thumb. 

I shifted in Geroge's lap, looking at my brothers, "Harry is root cause of all of my problems. My mom and dad abandoned me because Harry was born, and they died for him. Not for me, or to protect me, for him. My mom chose to leave for her son then stay for her daughter. So, yes, I am disowning him as Potter heir but leaving him on the family tree if only as to not draw attention to myself." I explained, tears slipping from my eyes for the first time in years. 

I felt George's arms wrap around my waist, pulling me against his chest tightly, "Alright, what you want Cass. If this is what you really want, then we stand with you. As family, forever and always." Geroge stated, look at Fred in agreement. When Fred nodded, I smiled and looked at Ragnok. 

"Wonderful, then that brings me to my next point. I want to blood adopt Fred and George as my blood brothers." I proclaimed, taking both of their hands. Ragnok nodded, pulling out the appropriate paperwork and potions. 

As the paperwork was set on the desk, a ritual dagger appeared. Looking up at George, I took his hand. He nodded softly, flipping his palm so it rested in my hand. Picking up the ritual dagger, I made a small slice along his wrist, letting the blood pool on the dagger. Holding the dagger above the parchment, I allowed a single drop to fall on the corner, the rest falling into the potioned inkwell. 

Repeating the same process with Fred, I cleansed the dagger, setting it down. Placing my hand on their wounds, they healed quickly as we watched the ink seep into the parchment and words begin to form. 

Fredrick and George Potter-Black-Peverell-Gryffindor


Cassidy Rose Potter-Black-Peverell-Gryffindor-Gaunt-Slytherin

Harry Potter(disowned)

Heir to:


Black (Second and third heir respectively)

Peverell (Second and third heir respectively)


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