Chapter 13

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The day passed, as dreary and foreboding as I felt. Soon enough, it was time for the feast. Decorations lined the Great Hall, bringing light to the day of darkness. Pumpkins and other gourds sat on the tables, candles floating above us, charmed not to let the wax drip on our heads. 

Quietly eating some stew, I watched as soul cakes appeared on the tables. Scowling as the children grew excited at the sight of cake, I gently took mine, giving blessings to Lady Hekate and Lord Hades. 

Heads snapped up as the doors to the Great Hall were thrown open. Quirrell came running in, fear coating his features as he came to a stop before the Grand table.

"Troll! In the dungeons! Just thought you should know!" His eyes rolled back as he collapsed, causing the room to break out into hysterics. 

I stood abruptly as the first years from Slytherin and Hufflepuff because screaming. Both our common rooms being in the dungeons only meant trouble.

"Snakes! Badgers! Calm down!" I yelled, quieting this side of the Hall. 

"Prefects, take the students back to their dorms!" Dumbledore ordered.

"Professor Dumbledore, that isn't a wise idea! Not only are the Slytherin and Hufflepuff dorms in the dungeons, but it makes the students more of a target. Your sending students, who don't know enough about magic out where the troll could find them!" I shouted, as the Gryffindor prefects began gathering their students.

Dumbledore glared at me, glancing at Harry before nodding, "Very well, students remain in the Great Hall!". 

The teachers followed Dumbledore out, the doors closing behind them. I could feel the wards around Hogwarts tighten around the Hall making me sigh. Footsteps rushed towards me, a hand grabbing mine to spin me around.

"Cassi, Hermione doesn't know about the troll! Ron made her cry; she's been in the loo all day." Harry whispered. Glancing over at the Gryffindor table, I noticed she was in fact not there. 

"Alright, go back to your table. Tell Percy, I'll deal with it. I doubt anyone else could make it out of the Great Hall right now." I muttered the last bit to myself as he ran off.

"Warrington!" I called, Cassius's head snapped in my direction, "I have to go get Granger. If I'm not back by the time the teachers are, tell Sev.". He nodded, going back to his conversation with Draco.

Slipping into the shadows, I called Death to shadow travel me to the bathroom Granger was in. The overwhelming smell of B.O wafted through the air as I stepped into the bathroom. I spotted Granger hiding under a sink, shivering in fear. As I approached her, she slowly pointed behind me.

Groaning as a shadow overcast me, I turned to see the troll standing before me.

"Why can't I ever have a quiet Samhain." I muttered, drawing my wand. Granger ran behind me, into one of the stalls, as I began throwing spell after spell at the troll trying to get it away from us. 

"Bombarda Maxima!" The spell ricocheted off the troll, hitting the wall beside it causing the stones to explode, hitting the troll in the head. I ducked, as flying debris came towards me, clutching onto the sink as the troll collapsed before me.

Slowly walking towards it, I glanced at Granger to see her peeking out of the stall. Shooing her back into it, I made my way up to the troll's head. Carefully placing the tip of my wand in its ear, I covered my face, looking away, "Expulso". A sickening crunch and squeal were heard as the troll's brain began seeping out of its ears and nose. 

"Granger, it's safe to come out now. We need to get back to the Great Hall." I muttered, stepping away.

Granger exited the stall, just as the teachers rushed into the bathroom, gasping at the sight.

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