Chapter 7

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Samhain was fast approaching before I managed to get my hands on Freely Given Unicorn Blood. I knew Dumbledore once had a Phoenix Familiar but was unsure if he still had it as I had never been up in his office. I planned to find a way up to his office to collect the tears or convince Uncle Sev to do so for me. 

The Slytherins were awaiting my word about what we were doing for Samhain. Every year, I hold a Samhain ritual for the Slytherins who have lost family members to honor them, and for the other Slytherins to support us.

Looking out at the table, I caught Cassius's eye. Nodding towards the door, he nodded. I stood, drawing the attention of the table, and made my way to the common room. After a few minutes, the Slytherins slowly made their way out of the Great Hall to follow me. 

Taking a seat in front of the fireplace, I watched the Slytherins slowly pour into the common room. Each taking a seat around me, sitting on each other's laps, or standing behind other chairs, I watched Cassius follow in last.

"Hello, darlings," I called, drawing their attention, "This year for Samhain, things are going to be slightly different. Due to my, esteemed, brother being at Hogwarts, Dumbledore will have the staff on high alert. After the feast, we will meet back here to host the ritual. If any of you would like to make an offering to the fire, only take small things off your plate, such as biscuits or cookies.".

I watched the first years eagerly nod, while the older years were used to my speeches. 

"Tomorrow, I want everyone at the feast. I get that someone of you have lost family, but I have too, and we all need to be there for each other. If you truly feel the need to be alone and skip the feast, tell me or Severus first and remain in the dorms. Please, I don't want you getting caught outside the dorm, or go hungry, so I'll bring you food." I exclaimed, "Enjoy your night, and I'll see you all tomorrow.".

Standing up, I made my way to the library, intent on the book on the Wheel of the Year Rituals, I rent out every year. 

Making my way through the shelves, I was yanked towards a table. Pinning the person to the table, wand at their throat, I sighed as I finally got a chance to look at them.

"Harry, what are you doing? I could have killed you?" I exclaimed, letting him go.

"Cassi, you're my sister!" Harry cried, practically bouncing on the spot.

"I'm aware." I said, snorting softly at the inside joke.

"Why didn't you ever tell me? Where were you? Why didn't you grow up with me at the Dursleys?"

I laughed, "The Dursleys? Those magic hating muggles are no family of mine. Like Dumbledore would ever let you go anywhere but to them. I'm not ending up like you, beaten and starved.".

He looked shocked that I knew about the abuse, "I... the Dursley's never... Dumbledore wouldn't...".

I looked at him pointedly, "Just leave me alone Harry. We may be related, but we are not siblings. Dumbledore made sure of that.".

I walked away, grabbing the book I came for and left.

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