Chapter 3

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"Thank you Ragnok for your help today. Should I need anything else I will be sure to send for you." I stated, pulling the boys up as their appearance changed ever so slightly. 

Their hair darkened from a light copper red to a deep Burgandy like Mother's and their eyes changed from their natural hazel to a hazel slightly closer to Father's. Physique wise, they seem to grow about another inch making it to 6'2 as opposed to their original 6'1 and they grew more lean muscle, reflecting Father. Their features didn't change much, features sharpening into more aristocratic features. 

Making our way out of the bank, we stepped into the alley once again. 

"What do you want to do now little sister?" George asked, stepping up behind me. 

"I suppose we might as well finish our school shopping. Just to get it out of the way." I suggested, "What electives did you take?".

"I believe we are both taking Divination and Arithmancy." Fred stated, looking over my shoulder at the supplies list.

"Wonderful, I believe I'm taking Arithmancy, Divination and Ancient Runes instead of History. You both are still on the Quidditch team, correct?" At both of their nods, I smiled, "Then let's head to Quidditch Quality supplies before we get weight down with books.". They seemed shocked but followed behind me as I made my way down the alleyway.


September 1st came soon, drawing my trunk behind me, I stepped through the passageway into King's Cross. Regulus flew behind me, swooping around the train to come to a perch on my shoulder. Handing my bag of to the prefects, I moved away from the train looking for the twins. Making sure my locket was situated beneath my shirt, I glanced around the platform. 

I noticed Mrs. Weasley running through the passageway with the twin's little brother. Making my way closer I noticed Harry come through. Growling, I turned away looking for the twins once more. 

Squealing as I was picked up, I was sat on someone's shoulders. Gripping their head, I looked down to see George smirking at me from my place on Fred's shoulders. 

"Hello little sister, shall we make our way onto the train?" Geroge laugh, seeing the iron grip I held on Fred's hair. I nodded, reaching for him as he moved to pull me down. He set me on my feet, and we made our way onto the train. 

Finding a compartment in the back, somewhere in between the teachers and the claimed Slytherin section, we settled. Taking a deep breath, I glance out the window, as the train pulled out of the station fiddling with my locket ever so slightly. I could feel it warm up slightly, the feeling of warmth embrace making me relax as the compartment door opened to reveal Lee. 

He asked to come in, taking a seat next to George and they immediately sprung into a conversation. Fred gently pulled me from my thoughts, pulling me to lay across the bench, head nestling in his lap.

"Go to sleep, you're still tired and we won't be there for hours." he whispered, running his hands through my hair. I nodded slightly, shifting so my face was pressed into his stomach and blocked out the light from the windows. His hands returned to my hair, stroking it as the sounds of whispered conversation and train wheels hitting the track lulled me to sleep.

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