Chapter 11

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I watched the wall move out of the way as I entered the common room. Only to discover that the fireplace had been in front of the passageway. Shrugging off the dirt and dust, I slipped into my dorm to find Dray reading on my bed. 

"Dragon," I watched him jump, the book falling in his lap, "I thought I told you to go to bed?".

I could see his face flush from where I was as I walked over to the wardrobe to pull out a pair of pajamas. 

"I... well... I was worried about you, and you said you'd be back by midnight." He exclaimed, pouting indignantly. I laughed, coming up to ruffle his hair. His pout deepened as he reached up to fix his hair, regardless that he was about to go to bed. 

"Go to bed, Dray. I'm going to shower, and then we can cuddle." I kissed his forehead, causing him to beam at me, "I expect you to at least pretend to be asleep when I come back. Understood.". 

He nodded, climbing under the covers of the large bed as I turned to make my way into the shower. 

Flipping on the faucet, I closed the door. Stripping, I threw my close watching as they disappeared for the House Elves to clean, and grabbed a towel, hanging it on the hook beside the shower. The room began to steam as I tied my hair back, grabbing a washcloth. 

Stepping into the shower, I hissed softly as the hot water hit my tense muscles. Moaning quietly as the water began loosening them, I began thinking about the ritual I wanted to use tomorrow. There were a couple on my mind that we had used in the past, however with Harry potentially coming, I didn't want it to be obviously dark and risk him telling Dumbledore. 

Wetting my hair, I began working the soap in, deciding that I would cast a modified memory ward on the room, to prevent anyone from telling anyone that wasn't there about the ritual. It would prevent him from talking, writing, signing, and even would prevent a legitimacy from accessing the memories without destroying them.

Sighing, I rinsed my hair, finishing with my body. i was too tired to go through my full routine and settled to just washing the grime off for tonight. I could go more in depth tomorrow before dinner. 

Toweling off, I lathered on some lotion, slipping into my pajamas. Yawning, I cast a drying charm on my hair and made my way back into the bedroom. I could hear soft snores coming from Draco and blew out the candle as I made my way closer to the bed. 

By the time I climbed into bed, only the fireplace was roaring. Sliding into the sheets, I felt Draco curl around me. Smiling I laid down fully, pulling him into my arms. 

"Goodnight little brother." I whispered, kissing his forehead again, feeling him hum in content and slipped into unconsciousness.

I yawned, stretching slightly only to hit something. Peeking an eye open, I saw Draco still curled in my arms, using my torso as a pillow. HIs hair was a mess, and likely mine was too. The fire had long since burnt out, the faint smell of burnt wood no longer present. Only my cinnamon and Draco's mint scents present. The room was brighter, the sun's reflections lighting up the lake, and subsequently my room. 

Casting tempus, I saw it was nearly time for breakfast. Gently running a hand through Draco's hair, I felt him shift, breath picking up as he slowly began to wake up. 

"Mhmm, Cass?" Draco muttered, rubbing his eyes as he pulled back. I cooed softly, at how adorable he looked, causing him to glare at me. 

"We need to get ready for breakfast Dragon. I'm telling everyone what ritual we are doing after." I whispered, still running my fingers through his hair. He nodded, moving to sit up. 

I made my way into the bathroom, as he left to go get changed. My uniform hung off the shower, freshly cleaned and pressed after last night's exploration. 

Going through my morning routine, I pulled on the uniform and made my way to the common room to see Draco and the other first years waiting. 

"Come on little firsties!" I called, drawing their attention. Draco clung to my side, acting as a shadow as we exited the common room. I internally sighed as we all pulled up our masks. I felt some of the first years straighten around me, as my mask fell into place. Not that I was surprised.

As the unofficial 'Ice Queen' of Slytherin, my mask tended to scare the first years. They usually got used to it around yule break, after seeing me act in the common room. However, a few remained scared throughout the year.

The Great Hall doors opened as I approached, allowing us to enter. I could feel the magic in the air as everyone excitedly chatted about the day. The younger years magics reacting to their emotions and dancing around just as excitedly. 

Taking our seats, we began to eat as Dumbledore called the hall's attention.

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