Chapter 12

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Once we were back in the common room, I drew everyone's attention. 

"Slytherins! As you know, today is Samhain. Unfortunately, this year it falls on a Thursday, and Dumbledore, as usual, does not care for tradition. So, we will have to go to classes before the ritual tonight. That said, I have found the ley lines of Hogwarts and a ritual for us to do." 

Cheers rang through the common room before I shushed them, "However, this year will be slightly different. As you know, Harry Potter is my brother," hisses filled the air with angry shouts, "yes, I understand your anger. I, to hold resentment for him. However, in order to keep up appearances and hope to sway him to my side, I have invited him to the ritual tonight.

I expect everyone to treat him kindly on this night of remembrance. Whatever personal grudges can wait until tomorrow morning. Previously, I stated we would meet in the common room, however, in order to protect our secrets, we will meet on the third floor. Worry not, first years, I have dispelled the dangers of the third-floor corridor. You are dismissed, once again travel in groups today; no one is to remain alone during their hardships."

The room nodded, groups banding together as they went off to their respective classes. I noticed Draco walking up to me, his little group of first years standing off in the distance while he came up. I knelt down to hug him, as he fought back tears.

"I know you miss Grandfather, Draco. And no doubt, you miss Auntie Bella and Uncles Rodo and Rab, but you have to stay strong today. Would you like me to walk your group to class. I have a free period first block." I whispered, stroking his hair. He nodded; nose buried in my robes, "Come on, let's get you to class.".

He pulled back, furiously wiping away the few tears that fell, before I grabbed his hands, gently wiping away the evidence. I waved his friends over, and we made our way out of the common room. Luckily, they had potions first block, so it wasn't that far, and Sev would take care of them.

As they went inside, I made my way up to the library. As I walked through the hall, twin bodies collided with my sides, arms wrapping around my shoulders.

"Little miss snake,"

"Whatever are you doing alone,"

"On this day,"

"Of death?" My twins questioned.

"Gred, Forge, I was heading up to the library to plan out tonight's ritual. Care to join me?"

"Of course,"

"Oh, wise,"

"And powerful,"


I laughed, throwing an arm over each of their shoulders to pull them down, "You two are idiots."

Fred smirked, "Ah, but here's the thing."

George grew a smirk, knowing what his brother was doing, "We're your idiots, M'Lady.".

Shaking my head, we entered the library, "I've told you before, I'm not your Lady. Not until Tom comes back.".

"You are our Lady,"

"Just like we are your demons,"

"It doesn't matter,"

"If we haven't sworn,"

"Or if Tom ever comes back,"

"We are yours, and you are ours." The finished firmly, holding me in place.

I could tell by their eyes they meant ever word, but it was hard thinking Tom may never find a way back and I would have to lead. 

"Let's agree to disagree before I start crying." I muttered, pulling away, only to be drawn into twin hugs. 

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