Chapter 9

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I made my way to Sev's office, carefully spreading my magic out to touch the walls of Hogwarts and I went. I could feel Hogwarts pulsing with magic, it reaching out to caress my own.

Raising an eyebrow, I stopped and flared my magic again. Hogwarts reacted, brushing my magic and releasing a soft purr.

"Hogwarts?" I muttered, gently pressing a hand on the wall. I could feel the walls purr, warming my hand slightly. "You're sentient." I gasped.

"Can you take me to the ley lines?" I whispered. I felt the magic purr, before feeling a slight tugging sensation on my magic. Pulling away from the wall, I followed it away from the dungeons, and up the stairs toward the third floor. 

"The west wing of the third-floor corridor? I knew Dumbledore was hiding something." I muttered, feeling it lead me straight to the door.

Trying the door, I felt it open. My nose scrunched as a horrid smell wafted through the air. A growl sounded, drawing my attention.

A large dog lay on the ground. They drew themselves up, revealing several heads.

"A Cerberus! Here in Hogwarts." I exclaimed, pressing myself back against the door. I held my breath as they drew closer, scenting me. They growled at me, before backing away. "Wha~".

Ignoring the strange behavior of the Cerberus, I felt Hogwarts pointing me towards the ground. Looking around, I noticed the Cerberus sitting on a trap door. Glancing at it, I made my way towards it. The Cerberus growled at me, before backing away. 

Opening the door, I looked inside. Unable to see anything, I sent a flare down, watching as something squirmed away from the fire. Jumping down, I landed upon something. It squirmed around me and smelt faintly of dirt. 

Devil's snare, I thought. Lighting my wand, I remained still to fall through softly. Moving to stand out of the way, I set the plant on fire, it was to dangerous to leave it here where a student could fall in. Following Hogwart's pull, I made my way through the door, revealing a second room.

Winged keys fluttered around the ceiling and another door sat before me. Checking the door, it was magically locked. Looking up at the keys, I glanced at the handle and decided it was likely an old silver skeleton key. 

A broom lay, propped up against a wall. Yeah, I don't fly. Pointing my wand, I set the keys wings aflame. They all tumbled to the floor, wings twitching as they burned up. Sifting through the keys, I found the only skeleton key and took it, vanishing the others. 

Turning the lock, I entered the following room. Gagging, I covered my nose. Throwing up several cleansing charms, I lit the rooms candles.

Gasping, I covered my mouth to block the noise. A troll lay, snoring on the ground before me. Creeping closer, I made my way around it. Stepping before its head, I placed my wand in its ear.

"Bombarda Maxima," I whispered, turning my face away as its brain exploded within its head. Holding back a cry, I vanished the body, casting another cleansing charm. Making my way through the door, a giant chessboard was revealed. 

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