Chapter 10

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"What the hell?" I muttered, stepping closer to the board. I noticed ruins on the side, preventing it from being vanished. Glancing at the Chess pieces, I didn't find any ruins there. Vanishing the pieces, I made my way across the board. Hogwarts warned me that I was getting close, but to be careful in the next room. 

Readying my wand, I slowly opened the door, revealing a dark room. A single table sat in the center of the room, a door behind it. As I stepped into the room, the door behind me slammed shut. A black fire ring surrounded me and the table, separating me from either door.

Looking at the table, I saw several potions bottle and a note.

"Oh, come on Sev. Make it a little harder for me." I snarked, reaching for the bottle which would allow me through the fire. "Aqua Gemino~" I muttered, pointing my wand at the potion. 

The potion bubbled, growing out of the bottle, and began flooding the room. A thin layer of water coated the floor, putting out the fire before I canceled the spell. Huffing at all of these stupid challenges preventing me from reaching the Ley Lines. Entering the next room, I gasped. 

The power of the Ley Lines crashed against me. I looked around the room, watching as the torches lit, revealing a mirror in the center of the room. I stepped closer to it, pausing as Hogwarts warned me about the mirror.

Closing my eyes, I could feel the mirror's thrall, attempting to draw me to it. Wrapping my magic around my mind like Sev taught me, I made my way towards the mirror. 

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi, I... show... not... your... face... but... your... hearts... desire?" I read, looking at the inscription at the top of the mirror.

Looking into it, I saw Mommy and Daddy standing behind me. Uncle Siri and Uncle Remi stood beside me. A man with red eyes knelt before me, looking up at me with adoration. Pettigrew lay dead at our feet.

"This isn't real." I muttered, taking a deep breath. Suddenly, my reflection changed. I still stood before my family, but my reflection winked at me, glancing down at my pocket. I felt a weight enter my pocket and reached inside. 

I felt my hand wrap around something and pulled it out to reveal a crystal. Putting it back into my pocket, I called Hebe to come take the mirror to my vault. Looking around, I saw that the Ley Lines met where the mirror was.

Smiling, I looked for a way back to the common room. I could feel Hogwarts pull me towards a wall. Portraits lined it, drawing my attention.

"Holy Salazar." I whispered, realizing that these were portraits of the founders. Hogwarts pulled me towards the one of Salazar Slytherin and I watched the wall open up to reveal a passageway.

Entering, I made my way back to Slytherin Common Room following Hogwarts directions.

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