Chapter 14

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Surprise Shawty! I'm not dead. Lol. However, the Fanfic Author Curse is still active. Since my last update I have discovered I have a multitude of health issues impacting my life. Paired with being in college and writing my first novel, its been a chaotic spiral. So an extra long chapter, enjoy. -Isabella9792

I pulled Granger forward, handing her off to Professor McGonagall, and ducked into Uncle Sev's waiting arms. 

"Oh, my merlin! What happened here?" Professor McGonagall screeched. Granger started spinning a lie before I groaned.

"Harry told me that Ronald Weasley had been bullying Granger causing him to spend the whole day crying in the loo. When the troll came, Harry rushed over to alert me that Granger was still in the loo. I told Warrington to watch over the students and warn you should you return to the Great Hall before me." I shivered, clutching onto Sev as he wrapped his cloak around me, "I managed to find her but not before the troll tracked us down. Obviously, their hide is impenetrable to spells, however, the eyes and ears are not so I used an expulso to the brain, hence the brain matter leaking from the ears and nose.".

Professor McGonagall looked aghast while Quirrell, more likely Tom, looked proud, "50 points from Slytherin for not informing a teacher.".

"I'm sorry, but I had assumed the teachers would know about a student who had missed an entire day's worth of classes because she was crying in the bathroom. And I will not apologize for protecting a first-year, one who has only had 8 weeks' worth of classes, no matter how much of a protege she may be. Now, my housemates must be worried sick, I'm going to bed." I exclaimed, pressing a kiss to Sev's cheek before heading towards the Slytherin common room.

Entering the dungeons I noticed a faint red shadow ahead of me and let out a groan remembering I had promised Harry he could come with us to the ritual. Putting on a smile, I walked up, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"You ready?" I questioned looking at the portrait to the Common Room.

"I don't know. I tried to find anything about All Hallows Eve in the library but there was nothing there. I asked Ron and Hermione how they celebrate Halloween, Ron mentioned some purebloods, the dark families he said, do dark rituals to celebrate Sam Hain?"

"It's pronounced Sow-when." He looked up at me surprised, "I told you Harry, we were raised differently. Samhain is the night when the veil between the afterlife and this life is thinnest, so you do a ritual to say hello or goodbye to family members who have passed away. There is nothing dark about the ritual, except that it is used to communicate with the dead. Are you sure you still want to do this?".

He took a deep breath before nodding, "I wanna meet Mom and Dad, I knew nothing about them before coming to Hogwarts. And if I can get closer to you that's okay too.".

I smiled, opening the portrait hole and leading him inside. Fred and George were already there talking with Cassius, they looked up catching sight of me and Harry and looked at me confused. I gently shook my head, glancing at the clock. I watched them nod, before standing and coming over to wrap me in a hug.

"What are you two doing here?" Harry exclaimed, drawing the room's attention to him. He squeaked causing me to laugh at his expression.

"We'll tell you later. Come on." I explained, walking over to the fireplace I glanced around, eyes falling on Harry, "Open~" I hissed. 

I watched Harry, confusion flooding me as his expression did not change at the use of parseltongue, "Can you understand me, Harry?" I questioned.

It was his turn to look confused, "Yeah why, you're speaking English?" The room around us froze as Harry responded, completely ignoring the way the fireplace just opened.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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