Chapter 6

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Yawning, I stretched, reaching for a glass of water. Memories of last night flooded back causing me to drop the glass as I sat up quickly. Smiling, I stood, walking to the closet and quickly pulling out my uniform. Grimacing at the standard uniform, I quickly transfigured it to something more my style. 

I quickly slipped it on lacing my boots and moved to the vanity. Quickly going through my routine, I did a simple green smoky eye. Pulling out the eyeliner, I did a basic wing, using my wand to aid the point. Quickly charming my eyelashes, I grabbed the perfume bottle and sprayed my hair and neck.

Grabbing my bookbag, I made my way to the Great Hall. Deciding to sit in the middle this time, I watched the Slytherin's go wide eyed. I watched as the first and seventh years flooded in, the others following behind. Draco spotted me and smiled, coming to sit beside me. 

I glanced at the head table, spotting Quirrell's eyes flash red. Smiling, I gave a subtle nod as Draco sat down. Turning back to him, I ruffled his hair before grabbing a piece of buttered toast.

"Draco, pass me the honey jar would you." I asked, grabbing the jug of orange juice to pour a glass. He nodded, reaching over and passing to me, trading me for the juice jug. 

Carefully spreading some honey on my toast, I set the jar down and began eating while listening to him talk my ear off about how his first night was. 


Later that afternoon, after classes, I made my way to the library. Intent on looking for something to help Tom, I made my way towards the restricted section. A year long pass from Sev in my hand. As I made my way around the corner towards Madam Pince's desk, I noticed Harry and his friends settled around a table. Intent on ignoring them, I continued to Madam Pince's desk. 

"Goodmorning Madam Pince, I need access to the Restricted Section. Professor Snape has decided my training as his apprentice starts this year. So, I would like to look at the potion's texts." I greeted, showing her my pass.

"Hello Cassidy, of course you can dear. Let me just grab my keys." She replied, "It's so wonderful that you have decided to work towards your Potions Mastery. Have you thought about a Defense or Charms Mastery? You certainly have the magical capabilities for all three.".

"I've thought about it. I'll need to discuss it with Professors Quirrell and Flitwick. But I believe I should be able to complete all three masters by the time I graduate." I answered. 

We reached the doors, and Madam Pince opened them quickly.

"Be careful not to overload yourself dearie." She exclaimed, letting me make my way through. Making my way to the potions section, I looked through the titles before finding one of Potions Alchemy. 

Flipping through it, I found what I was looking for. 

Energy of the Resurrected


Seven drops fresh unicorn blood

twelve drops pure Phoenix tears

1 Bozard

three mandrake leaves

three peppermint leaves.

I copied the page, placing the book back in its original spot before leaving the library. I stuffed the page in my bag, heading down to the dungeons to talk to Sev about using a lab to make the potion. As I neared, I heard him talking to someone so I couldn't just barge in. Knocking politely on the door I waited to be called in. "Hey Sev, can I use an extra potions room to make this potion it's for Tom" I questioned, making sure to use Tom's real name if front of people. He nodded and waved me out.

Looking through Sev's potion stores, I noticed he didn't have any Phoenix tears or Unicorn Blood on hand. Huffing, I gathered the remaining ingredients, and made my way back to my dorm.

Opening my trunk, I stored the ingredients in my potions section. Pulling out a potion's magazine, I flipped through it. Unable to find what I was looking for, I realized I'd probably have to make a trip to Knockturn during Christmas break.

Deciding to put it off I glanced at the clock and realized I needed to go dinner.

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