Chapter Sixteen

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Okay, so I am determined to master this whole energy thing. I feel like once I understand this whole energy concept everything else will just start to click in my head. It is literally the foundation for most magic.

So, even if it means I have to work one on one with Lorelei for a while, I will not be dissuaded. No matter how cute Vega is. She may have gotten me to skip yesterday, but one day is more than enough for me to recharge. No more playing around. I have set my own personal goal to at least have a great grasp of energy before winter break is over.

"The basics of understanding Energy is being able to read the main signals," Lorelei explained to me.

I stared at the whiteboard as she wrote something down in a red dry erase marker.

"When someone is projecting their energy, when someone is low on energy, and when someone is actively using their energy for a spell. Once you can identify these, we will be able to go over the many branches and signals of energy use."

"Before we do that can I ask you something?"

"You're going to do it anyway even I say no," she says in an annoyed tone.

"Caster Energy, where does it come from?" I ask.

"Good question actually, I'm surprised." She mumbles that last part.

I lean forward in my desk and look at her with eager eyes, ready to take notes.

"Well, most Casters believe in Vitalitism, which is a religion that says the energy that makes up Caster magic, comes from space, the cosmos. Some even say the moon is a giant conduit for this energy, maybe even produces the strange energy. Just like Christians believe in Jesus Christ, the son of god, Casters believe in the Cosmos, which is like this living force, kind of like destiny or fate. This force is very much like our God, we pray to it, hold worship services for it, we have strange holidays around it, just like Christians have their religious holidays. You don't have to be a Caster to believe in our religion, it is actually believed that many non-Casters have a strong connection to the cosmos without even knowing it." She explains.

I write notes.

"Of course, not all Casters believe in the Cosmos. Some just simply take the scientific approach to it. That Casters are capable of feeling this natural force on earth. Very much like gravity. Caster's bodies are biologically different from others, of course, the science around Casters is still mostly unknown. And it doesn't explain everything, like how Casters can turn previously non-casters into casters. It's actually very complicated."

"How many Casters would you say there are that don't believe in Vitalitism?" I ask.

"Out of all Casters, it is estimated that roughly 30% don't believe in Vitalitism, and the number grows at a steady pace." She explains.

"Hmm," I write that down.

"Why the sudden interest? I thought you were against all of this," she gestures to the room.

"I'm not against learning, I was against you teaching me. There is a difference. But apparently, you are the expert, even among the world of experts. Which is super surprising to me because you look so young."

"Ah, so you researched me," she smirks and leans against her desk.

"Duh, got to know who I'm dealing with here."

"Well, you're right, I am an oddity. I'm only 27, but I've been researching energy since I was just a kid, even younger than you. I was top of my class, graduated with more than one honor. Wrote well-known thesis papers and even made a discovery in the field of energy research. I'm well respected where I come from. I was able to join the four pillar council on merit alone."

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