Chapter 24

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A month had past since I start working. Everything was going great, work was great , my relationship with Connor was great. I did move back to my apartment Connor wasn't to happy about that but he understood I needed to go back. And we could soon officially move in together, but yet. I haven't seen Ray in two months but he has been sending flowers and letters.

I walked into my kitchen and put some coffee on. I luckily had the day off so I could get a few things finished. After my coffee I cleaned what I could and decided to leave. It felt weird being back here and I did miss Connor. We hadn't seen each other in two days because of our schedule. I ended up being on Dr.Latham's team, which I was happy about. I looked over at my phone as it started to ring. "Hello" I said not knowing the number. "Hey love." My heart stopped as Ray spoke. "I see your back home. I missed you." I felt myself panic. I looked at out the window of my door, nothing. I walked over to the window that looked out side. He was there looking up. I closed the blinds quickly. "What do you want Ray?" I put him on speaker and texted 911." To Jay. "You broke my heart Lily. You left without a word then the way you acted at the park was embarrassing. You should be ashamed of yourself." I see Jay text back. "On the way." He text back. I looked down noticing Ray had left. I felt sick not knowing if he came into the building or left. "Lily please don't ignore me love. You know I hate when you do that."

I looked out the window as I hear sirens and see Jay run to the building with Adam. The Ray hangs up and texts me. "Speak to you soon love." I hear a knock and hear Jay. I walk to the door and open it. "What happened?" Jay asked gun drown. I was shaking and couldn't speak. I looked back out and Ray waved and walked down the street. "Lily?" Adam said walking up to me I jumped as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Sorry." Adam looked at Jay and then back at me. "He was here." Whispered.

Jay walked over to me and placed his hand in mine "Lily do you remember who it was?" I stood up and started to pacing I felt my heart racing and I felt so sick. "I just know ok he was here." Adam come up to me and walked me back to the couch "Lily what are you not telling us? We can't help if we don't know everything." I felt my body shake I wish Ray would leave me alone. He wasn't like this, yes he was a little pushy about something's but he wasn't like this. We would fight and argue like normal people. But once I left him it's like he cracked. "Sorry, it must be in my head you know. Moving back to this apartment and living on my own. Just have to get use to it again." I forced a smile and I knew neither one of them bought it.

After twenty minutes of me fighting them and them finally accepting I was ok they left. I locked the door behind them and set the alarms on. I skipped dinner and went straight to bed. I was worn out and was so tired. I closed my door and locked it placing a chair under the handle. I made sure my window was lock but I wasn't anywhere near the floor level but it made be feel safe. I grabbed my phone and noticed I had a missed call from Will and Connor. "Dang it Jay." I knew he told Will and Will definitely told Connor. I decided not to call or text neither one of them. Will just wait and see them tomorrow. "Please try and get some sleep." I thought to myself

Lily Halstead Where stories live. Discover now