•fear aftermath (Dick)•

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A knock gets my attention and I open the door after I get dressed, my hair still wet from the shower I just got out of.

Alfred smiles at me, "I thought some tea may calm down everyone's nerves."

I smile thankfully at him before I take the two cups he offers to me, "Thank you, I appreciate it."

"Of course, Miss Brooklyn," He says before he hesitates, "And Miss Brooklyn, if you or Master Dick need anything, please let me know. I know this day has been hard on both of you."

That's Alfred's polite way of asking if I am not going to have a mental breakdown again and if I am going to be okay to make sure Dick is okay.

"It's okay, Alfred. I've got it." I nod reassuringly, and he nods back in understanding.

With one final reassuring smile, I close the door and turn back just in time for Dick to walk out of the bathroom.

He put shorts on but decided a shirt wasn't that important. As I scan over his body, I can't help but agree.

"Like what you see?" He asks as he rubs a towel over his wet hair, a teasing and lazy grin on his face.

"Don't put words in my mouth, Grayson," I bite back, leaning back on the wall with the cups in my hands.

He watches my movement closely before he throws the towel back into the bathroom and walks to me.

I look up at him, him not breaking eye contact with me as he takes the cups out of my hands and turns to put them on the nightstand beside the bed. When he is done, he turns back to me, stepping closer than he did before.

Bruce told me it would be worse when he was behind closed doors when he was just with me and not trying to be the brave big brother.

So I wait, I wait for him to move, I wait for him to make the call.

He looks down at me, his eyes on my far as he looks at me, and I feel like he is taking in every detail he can.

He has looked at me like this before, after any mission he thinks I could have died on, during the Ra's Al Ghul ordeal we went through.

I wonder if he somehow turned it into a nervous habit or something to keep him grounded.

He steps closer and brushes a strand of hair out of my face, watching how it falls as he pushes it back.

"Are you okay?" I ask, not being able to hold it in any longer.

My eyes study him too, the slight tension in his shoulders, the curve of his mouth, the concentration on his face as he studies me.

At my words, his eyes flicker back to mine, and for a moment, he seems to snap out of a trance.

He clenches his jaw as he cups my face and presses a kiss on my forehead. He stays that way as he mutters, "I think so."

"Good, then I can kill you my-"

He cuts me off by kissing me, pushing me against the wall as he does so, his hands never leaving my face as he holds me there.

I wrap my arms around his neck, running my hands through his hair to get in closer, to hold him so I know he isn't a hallucination and he isn't hurt but alive and well and standing in front of me.

When we both pull away, my hands fall to his chest and his stay on my face, his thumbs rubbing arc loss my cheeks.

It takes me a moment to realize we are both crying, and I move my hands to wipe his tears away like he is doing for me before I wrap him in a hug.

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