•Jazel and surprises•

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I am in so much trouble.

Well maybe not, I am pretty sure I can talk my way out of this, but I could end up in even more trouble if I say the wrong thing.

I look around the room, trying to hide any evidence before I start making Jason's favorite meal; chili dogs. And I have neapolitan ice cream for dessert.

That should make him happy.

I make the chili, stirring it in the pot on the stove before I start grilling the hot dogs in the oven because we don't have an actual grill.

I set a timer before I check my phone.

Princess♥️: Hey! When do you think you will be home? It's my night off and I just finished my last test for this semester :)

my biker boyfriend: how did it go? And just in an hour, I can cut the night short for you. Dick can pick up the slack.

Princess♥️: Good I think! And you sure? Isn't he really busy right now with the team?

My biker boyfriend: he could use the distraction. he needs to loosen up and can call it date night if he brings brooke. See you soon xoxo

I roll my eyes at his text before I start smiling to myself over the news I am about to share. Gosh, I hope he is excited.

I can hardly keep still as I look around the apartment, thinking of things we are going to have to change now.

The timer goes off and I take the hotdogs out of the oven with an oven mitt on just as I hear the window slide open.

I don't bother turning around because a few seconds after I hear the window shut and lock, I feel Jason's arms wrap around my stomach.

He pulls me into his chest and kisses my temple, "It smells amazing in here," He mutters against my skin, causing me to smile.

"You smell sweaty though," I hum, "Go shower really fast, and then we can eat."

He sighs, muttering under his breath before he lets me go.

It's only then that I realize he most definitely can not go into the bathroom.

"Wait!" I stop him, "Actually, you smell amazing, let's just eat." I smile, hoping he doesn't realize something is up.

He blinks at me a few times before he stands up straighter.

Well, crap.

He looks behind me, seeing his favorite food, and he narrows his eyes at me, "Hazel..." He says in a low voice, making my stomach do flips.

"Jaybird," I smile innocently.

He raises an eyebrow at me, "You want to tell me why you are making my favorite food and acting weird, Princess? Or do I have to guess?"

"I don't know what you mean," I cock my head to the side and lean back on the counter. "I just wanted to celebrate me getting done with school for the semester."

"Then shouldn't we be having your favorite food?" He questions, taking a step toward me.

"I like chili dogs," I defend as he takes another step toward me, making me look up a little at him.

"But they aren't your favorite," He points out, causing me to frown slightly as he says, "So, what's wrong?"

He is going to ruin the surprise.

"Does something have to be wrong for me to want to make you your favorite food and get you your favorite dessert?" I smile up at him, causing him to briefly look down at my mouth before he realizes what I said.

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