headcanon 13

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More headshots bc y'all are insane and just keep breaking milestones in like two weeks!!!

1. Hazel and Jason are the first to have kids, and they have a lot. (do you agree or think dick and Brooke would first?)

2. The bat family (plus cat) always go out in twos and it's usually Dick and Brooke, Tim and Stephanie, Damian and Bruce, and Jason and Barbara (until her incident and she becomes the amazing oracle).

+ After that Jason annoys whoever he can if he is with the bat family.

+Bruce makes Cass go with Tim and Stephanie until she asks to go out with Brooke and Brooke immediately agrees which then causes Damian to want to go too which causes Tim to want to go and of course Dick wants to stay with her so it becomes Bruce sighing as everyone fights.

+ Dick ends up picking Brooklyn up and throwing her over his shoulder and is like "Mine!" and runs away but they all chase after her... Cass ends up getting her and no one comes out without a few bruises and cuts.

+ Brooke couldn't help but laugh about the whole thing and wasn't even upset that they didn't ask her for her opinion like she usually would be.

+ Bruce now assigns who goes with who.

3. Hazel has gone out on patrol with Jason before, and other than him holding her when they are swinging through the air, she didn't like it very much.

4. Zatanna and Artemis continue the girls night trips and invited M'gann and Raquel the next year. It's now a thing they do for the girls, Karen, Barbara, and Cassie all were invited to one.

+ it's become a thing so the boys all know and get excited for the new girls because they don't know about it until it happens.

+ Brooklyn was planning on going home an reading a book but was cornered in the cave and made aware of the situation. Dick just winked and smirked at her when she looked at him for help.

+ The girls were worried Brooklyn wouldn't enjoy herself because it was a little after the Ra's al Ghul thing, but they ended up having a blast. They all talk about it fondly and made a promise not to tell anyone what they did.

+ all the team knows (excluding the girls of course) is that Nightwing got a call from Commissioner Gordon at the end of the night and he had to go get Cat out of jail. Of course, she let them take her and everyone knew which only made the team snicker as Nightwing sighed and went to get her.

+ she was laughing and making friends when he got there and when promoted why she said it was because he didn't help her get out of girls night. when he pointed out that she had fun, she smirked and agreed and said the girls would be doing it more often now.

+ it was only then that he realized all of the girls were on the roof across from them laughing and before he could stop her, Cat was joining them, winking over her shoulder as she did so.

5. Brooklyn and Dick talked about Brooklyn changing her hero name. Dick was in favor of Nightingale, but Brooklyn didn't want to base her identity off of his and he respected and supported that. She also said she couldn't imagine not being a Cat of some kind so after they realized basically all of the cat names were taken and she left without telling him what she picked.

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