•Artemis and Wally's wedding•

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I smooth out the train of Artemis' dress, smiling at the beautiful, white fabric. It is a mermaid style dress, flaring around our around her knees, and has a plunge neckline in the front.

"I can't believe I'm getting married," She whispers to herself before snorting, "And to Wally." I laugh, making her laugh too as I straighten up.

"Regardless of your groom, you are going to look beautiful," I reassure her, "And your groom is a good one."

"He is," She nods before looking at me in the mirror, "So..." She starts, a small smirk, "When are you and Dick going to tie the knot?"

I nearly choke on my own spit, only making her smirk grow, "Why would you ask me that on your wedding day?" I scold her, "Today is about you."

"You know I like to meddle," She waves me away, "Which is why I invited Jason's new lady friend. I want to see what is going on there."

"Hazel?" I ask, making her nod, "She is really sweet and cute. But stressed because she is in the middle of a kidnapping, so don't go too far." I warn her before I let a smile slip, "But Jason has it bad, you have to see it tonight."

"Oh, I will be enjoying it," She says, clicking her glass with mine before we both take a slip.

I let her talk me into one glass. She assured me that if anything happened we would have more than enough man-power (and alien-power) to take care of it with ruining our dresses... but she knows me and she knows that it's going to take a lot for me not to want to jump in and help or to stop worrying.

She laughs a little more before she says, "I can't believe I'm getting married." She laughs more, slipping her champagne before her smile fades and her eyes widen. She looks up at me, "Oh my gosh, I'm getting married."

"Yeah, you are!" Raquel shouts, walking in with Zatanna and M'gann.

"Oh, no-"

"Oh, no?" Zatanna asks, "That doesn't sound promising," She mutters, her eyebrows
drawing together.

"I can't believe it," Artemis says, her breathes getting more shallow.

"Hey," M'gann grabs her hand, "You will be fine. You and Wally are meant for each other," She smiles.

"What if-"

"Oh, do not go down those what if roads," Raquel stops her. "Trust me, you don't want that."

Artemis looks at me in concern, "Would you-Can you just go-"

"I will go check on them. I've already got my makeup done and all I need is my hair," I reassure her, smiling to the rest of the girls, "Now, you guys get dressed and relax the bride."

"Perfect, that's my favorite job," Zatanna grins, the others agreeing.

I smile, laughing slight before I look at Artemis' worried face. "Everything is going to be fine," I whisper to her before adding, "And if you want to run I can help you do that too."

She laughs, her nerves dissolving. "That's what friends are for."

I nod, smiling still as I turn and walk out of the room. The boys are getting ready in a separate part of the venue that they rented out.

I walk outside, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. It's only been a month since everything happened with Ra's al Ghul. I am still on edge from it all.

Artemis and Wally got engaged after Artemis and I were saved. They failed to tell any of us until everything was safe, and when we told them they might need more time to plan, the insisted they knew what they wanted and wanted it all done next month. It makes sense though, the have been dating since they were sixteen... that's a lot of time to plan what you want at your wedding.

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