headcanons 16

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1. It is canon that Nightwing is more welcomed in Blüdhaven than Batman is in Gotham... I am not sure if it is the same in Young Justice, but this is because he stays back to talk to the police and the news. If this is true in this universe, I imagine he 100% got Cat to start doing the same.

+ I imagine she is really nervous at first and she doesn't want to ruining the image of superheroes.

+ But she does it anyways because Nightwing insists she is good at it and the people will love her.

+ There are a lot of hate comments at first, and the news often asks her about her time as a thief instead. But she realizes why it is so important one night when a little girl runs up to her, scared and alone, clinging to her leg. She had lost her way but she recognized Catgirl from the news and knew she was a good person (her words). She proceeded to tell Cat how amazing she was as she helped her find her mom, and that she wanted to be like her when she was older.

+ That night, when Dick asked her how her night went, she started crying. (he was obviously alarmed but after he found out what happened, he couldn't stop smiling)

2. You know that tiktok audio of Andrew Garfield talking about emma stone being a "shot of expresso" and sunshine and all of that? that's Tim talking about katie and you can't change my mind.

3. Hazel always takes care of Jason if he gets hurt, so when Hazel doesn't feel good he totally babies her.

4. One time at a Gala, Hazel and Jason had champagne and all of the boys were concerned for Hazel because they thought she would be a lightweight... they found out very quickly that she was not. Girl can hold her own.

5. Hazel is trying to convince Jason they need another dog already.

6. Dick starts reading the books Brooklyn really loves and surprises her by knowing what she is talking about. It makes her so happy.
+ Hazel does the same with Jason, and he even will read them to her while she lays in his lap and he plays with her hair.

7. Hazel and Jason love taking Bear for walks in the park now.

8. At some point, Dick comes home with a three legged dog named Haley and Brooke has zero complaints. Biscuit loves him too, but it takes a while for them to get used to each other.

9. When dick and brooke aren't dating, brooke def laid out and tanned at the wayne manor knowing he probably would see her. when asked why, she says bruce told her she could so she isn't leaving. This turns into a silent fight between the two because Dick starts inviting people (some that would make brooke jealous) over for pool day, and brooke does the same as retaliation (she invited people that make him jealous too). it ends in a huge pool party and them glaring at each other.

+ when bruce gets home and sees it, everyone freezes and he just sighs, knowing exactly what happened before he goes inside to avoid them.

10. Katie heard a kitten meowing in an alley and meowed back for an hour trying to get it to come to her and then called Hazel who spent another hour meowing with her until Red Robin found them and called Brooklyn to help.


which was your fav? Or just one you would love to see?

xoxo, author

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