•Awkward Dinners•

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I take one last look at myself in the mirror before I walk out of the bathroom.

"This look good?" I ask Tim, who is sitting on my bed sipping some coffee he got at the place that Katie works at a while ago.

He looks up from his phone and looks me over, "Yup. It's just a dinner with Jay, why are you so nervous?" He asks, his head cocking to the side slightly. "Jason would literally drool over you even if you were in sweat pants and a t-shirt." He scrunches up his nose at the thought.

I roll my eyes, but can't help at smile at his words, before I frown again. "It's dinner with Jason and my dad."

"Oh." He says and his eyes widen, "Oh."

"Yeah, oh," I huff out and lay down on my bed beside him.

He lays down next to me, "I'm sure it's not going to be that bad."

"Maybe," I agree as I stare up at the ceiling before I groan and rub my face. "Jason hates him. And he hates Jason!"

"Well, I thought you said that your dad actually supported you and Jason get-"

"First of all, you aren't supposed to tell anyone that," I glance to him, "Second, he still does, it just means he isn't going to throw him out of the house because he knows i would go with Jason if he did."

My dad did help me realize I was being stupid pushing Jason away when all I really wanted was to be with him. It surprised me to say the least considering that Jason and my father don't see eye-to-eye.

My mother would love Jason, I am sure of that. But my father...

"Can I call you if it gets out of hand?" I ask.

"What do you think is going to happen? Jason fighting your dad?" Tim jokes laughing a little before we both get really quiet. "Yeah, you can call me." He nods, and we both sit up.

He takes another sip of his coffee before I say, "Are you ever going to admit you like Katie?"

His eyes widen and he spits the coffee out and all over my floor. Well, Bruce Wayne's floor. I stay in Jason's old room when I come by.

"What?" He says his voice a few octaves higher than normal. "I mean," He clears his throat, "Of course, I like Katie. She is really nice."

I roll my eyes and give him a 'really' look. "Tim, I mean like like."

"Like like?" He echos, before he shakes his head, "Don't know what you are talking about."

"Mhm," I say and stand up, "Well, school is starting up again and you both go to Gotham Academy. Maybe you will see her around and you two can hang out more."

He stares at me as if he hadn't thought of that.

"Right, right, school." He mutters completely thinking about something else and I wonder what he has up his sleeve.

"Just don't be dumb, Tim." I warn and he nods before I open the door and say, "And Tim?" He looks up at me. "Please clean up the coffee off the floor."



I find Jason in the library, and am surprised to see him playing the piano.

I wait for a break in the music, watching as his fingers fly across the keys, his body slightly moving along with the music before he plays the last chord and the song stops.

Without thinking, I clap lightly, causing him to turn and look at me.

He smiles when he realizes who it is, and I take it as my chance to look him over.

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