•Brooklyn and Drinking•

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I should have known that it was not a good idea to drink with three people who can't get drunk, one very high tolerance person, and three regular people who have had alcohol and built up a tolerance.

But I downed my first shot with them and didn't see why I shouldn't have a few more...

I'm not sure how I ended up on this lamp post and laughing as Dick mirrors me on the one across from it, but I know that I am laughing like there is no tomorrow. And that Wally, Kaldur, M'gann, and Conner are seriously stressed as they shout under us, trying to get us to come down.

"Brooke, please you are going to break your neck!" M'gann stresses, her hands up almost as if she is going to use her powers to get us.

The only problem is that we attracted a few people outside.

"Would not!" I respond as Dick cackles at my expression. It almost sends him over the edge, making Wally and Conner nearly have a heart attack.

"Dick, you are not allowed to die!" Wally warns before he mutters, "This is all my fault."

"Yeah, it is!" Conner glares before he looks back at Dick, "Come on, you can come down now."

"Brooke, wouldn't you like to be on the ground more than up there? We can go look for cats," Kaldur bribes as he looks up at me.

Artemis, who has had as much as me, is slumped on the sidewalk with Will watching over her as she punches her fist in the air and shouts, "Go Brooklyn and Dick! You've got it!"

"Artemis, no," Will hushes her as she draws attention.

"Excuse me, I don't listen to you," Artemis states as she tries to get away from him.

"We have to wrap this up!" Will calls to the others.


Dick and I look at each other and smile wickedly, pure excitement rushing through our veins as we nod.


"That can't be good," Conner says just as Dick and I jump off of the poles and do a double front flip,

We somehow both land, giggling at our success as our friends grab hold of us.

"Aww," I complain as I start digging my heels into the ground, not wanting to leave, "We have to do a back flip too! Dick tell them!"

"We have to do a back flip guys," He repeats, trying to fight back, and he manages to get out of their grip by jumping over them.

Oh my gosh that's a great idea.

I do the same, making M'gann and Kaldur run after me as I run to Dick, him dodging Wally and Conner.

"Maneuver seven!" I call and Dick turns to support me.



I giggle as I put my foot in his hand and he launches me up and onto the lamppost again.

I am halfway up by the time I hear my name be called again.

"Brooklyn Taylor Travis," Wally scolds, making me look down at him. "If you do not get down right now, you will lose your privileges to see your boyfriend for the night."

"You bitch," I mutter as I see Conner and Kaldur holding back Dick.

"Don't look back," Dick says dramatically, "Forget about me, keep going."

I narrow my eyes at Wally before I start climbing down.

"Give him over," I say before I get an idea. I sprint to Artemis, pushing Will over before I take her hand and run down the street.

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